Troi made it impossible for me to watch the show in company . . . the groaning and writhing tended to annoy company . . .
Holy mackeral Set! So true...she toned it down later on, but at the beginning, all that "The pain, the pain..." it was almost enough to turn a guy off his TV dinner.
No Cav, it was Setanta who was doing the moaning.
Oh I picked that up, just didn't have time to edit, lol. I saw her in an episode of Sherlock Holmes Mysteries as well, with Jeremy Brett, she looked way hot all corseted and stuff...
Cav - from the way she was shoving those Betazoid 'lobes' at anything with pants on I think Riker must have been taking a lot of cold showers :wink:
There was this episode where she and her MOTHER were entertaining some delgation that bordered on the pornoline.
what the hell are y'all talking 'bout???
sounds like some kinda greek drama
More like a geek drama dice, seems we have some Trekkies here...myself included...
Troi was weak.
I thought Beverly and Picard did get it on at least a coupla times? What am I thinking of? There was that episode where they were stranded together, and there was some sort of force that -- oh, right, mind-reading. But then in one of the movies... or the finale... SOMETHING?!
I have forgotten details of Star Trek: Next Generation. *sob* I never thought it would happen. Do I have to turn in my... OMIGOD! I have forgotten what the iconic Star Trek silver badge thingie is called!! Combadge??
It must be Alzheimer's.
It's amazing just
what you can find out when you're in charge of all the security cameras on a starship!
"Would you like to drop into my cabin
and see my etchings?"
There is a rumour among Trekkies that Wesley could possibly have been Picard's son....thank friggin' god they got rid of his 'save the day' ass...