Thu 15 May, 2003 04:36 pm
From google:
"Able2Know is a free knowledge exchange. This is a moderated site that counts on the expertise of volunteers to answer any questions you have."
Well, now's your big chance. I'm a volunteer expert willing to volunteer my expertise in any questions you have, or advice you seek. And it's free.
So bring it.
Might as well stick to the topics of the how exactly DO you enlarge a penis and shrink a vagina all at the same time?
Why do birds suddenly appear everytime you are near?
Is the scented viburnum in my back yard a Burkwood or chesapeake viburnum?
Where do my CDs keep disappearing to? I have the cases, but no disc.
Dennys or Mcdonalds for that all important first date?
Slappy, you are too an expert. You helped me a lot when I was figuring out what car to get.
Plus you know everything there is to know about Gary Coleman.
where are all my flannel shirts? will i ever see them again?
Will I regret it if I choose deep red for the living room walls, instead of a yellowy gold?
Can I really drink water whilst standing on my head?
All great and important questions! AnD is he there for us?
Wotz 'appened to Slappy????
Twelve questions in nine hours!
Will Slappy be able to stem the tide and satisfy the mob's every need?
Will he be able to keep up with the pent-up demands of sarcasm and wit?
Will sanity return to the world, or merely sit upon the little guys knee?
Enquiring minds want to know...
What does Slappy know?
And when?
It's yoo-hoo to Slappy Doo Hoo, the "Guru of the New You",
so hold your hands high, and the mighty mite just might bite
and find some answers for you!
It's quite possible that someone told him to go do something that would appear to be anatomically impossible and yet he's figured out how and now is engaged, both in the activity and to himself.
Where have all the flowers REALLY gone?
Whoever came up with the idea of having the monumental tower clock in this town ring-a-ding the theme tunes of TV shows and popular songs every half an hour?
What is that woman on the corner waiting for?
What does my signature mean?
So - what the smeg is this thread then?
Waiting for smegging Godot?