We should go then
Yes, let's go.
(They do not move)
Only people named Dot can move in Beckett's world...
How do gefilte fish swim? They have neither fins nor tails (nor heads)?
Same question for tuna.
Is it true that Saddam and Osama are hanging out somewhere in the wilds of Tennessee, straightening their ties and looking to pick up Janet Reno and Madeline Albright? Are Madeline and Janet seriously considering their offers?
What's the air-speed velocity of a swallow?
With, or without, coconut?
I keep hearing the title of this thread as sung by Prince...
A margarita is neither Marg nor Rita....what up with that?
You people are suckers.
I don't know JACK.
Next question...
Jack Nicholson, Jack Jones, Jack Kennedy, Jack Black, Jack Ruby, Jack Dempsey ....
something tells me you and Mr Jack Mehoff are good pals.
I think Slappy is more familiar with Jack Handy than Jack Mehoff...
Now you are talking some weird, exclusive, American language thingy...
Oooooh, no jackoffs in Oz?
'bout time! Been plenty of weird exclusive Oz language thingies, and it's smegging contagious too.
smegging ain't.
smeg is british.
do you mean wankers when you say "jack-offs"?
Isn't wankers British too?