Can I have two pints of lager and, err, two packets of crisps please?! (I'm gettin' impatient, John!)
(heya, dagmar
hi there, joost. i'll have a medium-rare steak with my pint of lager. where IS that slappy already, all this talk about being here for us!
here it is!
oh, darn, thatlinkdoesntwork. if its even the right song.
Can I have two pints of lager and a packet of CRISPS, PLEASE!
(heh -
how you doing, dagmaraka?
Has anyone here tried putting the crisps IN the beer?
That was what a long lost roommate of mine used to have for Sunday breakfast instead of cold cereal.
Um yum?
I'm here for you, my chidden'.
Why is it that when I wait for my meal in a restaurant, and I wait a long time... and finally, I light up, BAM! there's my food!!!??? How the F does that work? HUH, Slappy?
We did try to get the real identity out of phoenix in florida, but she said she would have to kill us all if she told us that she's really slappy...
go figure
Easy. Quit smoking. You look like a jackass doing it anyway.
Why is it that us aliens in the StarTrek Universe ARE so butt-ugly?? Like I saw two on 'Enterprise' last night that would have defied the concept of natural selection - even they wouldn't want to mate with each other. Is it because humans are the only race to invent mirrors?
Why do Klingons look like ugly humans? What are the chances that two planetary species would have the same number of eyes and ears and be placed in approximately the same position on a cranium atop a bi-pedal frame? Why not one eye in front and one in back? Why not four legs or six?
Ask the producers of Star Trek why they skimped on the paper mache budget?
And whenver humans and aliens get it on (cue Barry White), the results are even more desirable!?! I can see why Captain Kirk spent most of his command jumping every vaguely female bi-ped in possession of a pulse. And why didn't Picard avail himself of the ample delights of Deanna Troi or those of Beverley Crusher?
Not in the script, Pondy, just not in the script...
Hey, it say "To boldly go where no man has been before!!" - you don't need a goddam signpost do ya now K'lowan?!
Captain Kirk had one of two things in every episode: an attempt at a tryst or a fist fight.
Here's a question for Slappy.... What was God thinking?
He wasn't thinking. If he was, women wouldn't have voice, I mean, he did a PERFECT job creating woman.
Just got back from down south. I'm here again, my chile's.
But Joe N - all Leonard Nimoy had to do was get a dorky haircut and stick on some pointy ears. How's that for cheap SFX?
So Slap-Dog, why is it that we never seen you and Michael Jackson together?
Oh noooooo. I've got this image in my head of slappy and Mike together arrgghhhh.
Yes, I am MJ.
The only thing we have in common is I grab my crotch alot too.
Beverly Crusher only got hot in the later seasons, and by that time, even though she shared a mind with Picard on one episode of TNG, she backed off. Baldy would have totally done her, had she said 'yes'. And Troi was Riker's chick...