material girl wrote:How many people here live life without religion?
material girl wrote:Do you feel like you are missing anything?
material girl wrote:So you were religious,why did you give it up?
I was raised by moderate Lutherans and used to be a moderate Lutheran until about the age of 19. Around that time, there were a lot of christening ceremonies in my family, including one in which I was the godfather. Gradually, a little more each time we recited the apostoles' creed, I noticed that I believe less than 10% of its words: "Jesus Christ [...] was crucified, died, and was buried." That's no basis for betting your soul on.
Even though this was not a traumatic insight for me, I went through a brief period of denial. That's probably because I like everything about Lutheranism
except the theology. I adore Bach's music, the spartanic architecture of our churches, the grass-roots approach to the things that matter most ("priesthood of all believers"), and all the other cultural stuff. Perhaps I was afraid that by becoming an atheist, I might loose all the non-theological perks of Lutheranism. That turned out not to be the case.
At present, I am quite happy with my decision, and I don't feel that anything is missing that wasn't missing 20 years ago. I still don't believe god makes sense in a description of how the world works. Another question, one I'm not so sure about, is whether he is a useful metaphor for intuiting things that are awfully complicated to reason about. For example, redemption through the grace of god can be a concept to endure and protect your sanity in situations that you have a big stake in and some, influence on, but not a whole lot of influence. So I find myself flip-flopping on god the metaphor. But I never again took god seriously as an explanation of what is going on in this world.