i'm 51, and have been experiencing dizzy spells for two weeks now... i sympathize with those who have had them for years -- they are
not fun, and i too would not wish them on my worst enemy.
the day i started getting them began with an intense dizzy spell in my sleep, followed by nausea and vomiting... i saw my doctor later
that day -- he diagnosed it as
BPPV and gave me ten days worth of Meclizine and something for the nausea.
the nausea meds helped immediately, but the Meclizine did not seem to help much.
thankfully, i haven't had another intense spell, but i've had at least one small one every day for the past two weeks -- either from getting
into bed, rolling over (either side, doesn't matter) or getting out of bed... ocassionally i get one from tiliting my head straight back.
i have quickly learned to stay calm when they happen and ride it out -- after a few seconds i'm fine.
i've also learned to be very mindful of the position of my head at all times, and to try to avoid any sudden head movements...
Hurley6729 wrote:I have been reading these posts because I've had the same symptoms, but its been happening during the day, starts out with
swimmy kind of eyes, like under water then black out spots, eyebdrvsaid it could be vascular, silent migrain
i have experienced this from time to time when in bed at night... i've also had an occasional popping sensation in my left ear when
in bed -- it sounds like there's a miniature bass guitar player in there...
i'm thankful that, for the most part, i'm fine during the day... but i'm also troubled that many people suffer from this, and there doesn't
seem to be a definitive cure out there (yet)...