I have suffered with this for years. I found this on the net and truely believe this IS my problem. There is an exercise you can do to help get a bit of releif called the Epley manuever. I was never so glad as to find this finally!!What is BPPV? (ALERT! Epic Discourse ahead!)
The main balance organ is in the middle ear. There are three fluid-filled rings called the semicircular canals. These rings are in the three main planes - horizontal, vertical, and frontal. As you move around or move your head, the fluid flows in these rings signalling the direction of movement to the brain. The way this happens is this. In each ring there are groups of tiny hairs sticking up into the fluid. Sitting atop these hairs are tiny little crystals called "otoliths." Yep! Ear rocks. As your head moves the weight of these crystal causes the hairs to sway back and forth and signal movement back to the brain.
Sometimes the little crystals come loose and float freely in the semicircular canal. When the head moves in the right way (into the right position) the crystal falls rapidly in the ring and causes a sensation of whirling or falling or a giant, fast movement.
The whirling sensation only lasts several seconds, but for several seconds after that you can see objects appearing to "bat" back and forth. Everyone uses different terms to liken what the sensation is. Then the room settles down an you feel very diagreeable for the next several hours.
The crystals can come loose spontaneously - it is common as we age. Or they can be knowed loose by a snap of the head, whiplash, a good bonk on the noggin, etc. I knew a woman who got struck in the head by a little peice of candy, but she saw it coming and reflexly snapped her head out of the way giving herself a minor whiplash injury & BPPV. I brought on an episode after cleaning the garage and had a spasm of violent sneezing.
When you have BPPV you find that certain positions seem to bring it on. (like bending over and turning your head to look up under a table. Or leaning your head way back to look straight up. Sometimes it's only at night when you roll into the right position and awaken right in the middle of the whirling. Between attacks often you may just feel a little unstable in space or spacey. The crystals often replace themselves. If they don't they can be treated almost 100% of the time by a series of rotational manuevers called the Epley Maneuvers. (BTW Dr. Epley is my personal vertigo physician

) Untreated some people suffer periodically for decades.