A large number of whites living in South Africa also have a warped perception of what affirmative action really is and how it works. Their sons are to proud or lazy to do hard labour or to start at the bottom of an organisation and than blame this lack of drive on affirmative action. I also have family who love to blame all their woes on affirmative action, missquoting and miss representing the facts to hide the fact that they still crave apartheid and all its benefits. Needless to say, I am not invited to attend those family gatherings. But the truth of the matter is that affirmative action is not as bad as that and that there are lots of oppertunities in this country for those who actually want to earn it.
As for crime in South Africa. Yes we do have lots of crime and it does sometimes feel like it is getting out of hand, but its not as bad as some people would have you believe. Statistics are not very reliable (I have the stats to prove it
). I do not know one person who has lost anybody due to violent crime (or anybody who has been touched by violent crimes). We have had break-ins at my home, but that was during apartheid. Like I said before, South Africa is not without its troubles, but compared to some of the first world countries we are pretty safe and very pretty.
Mbeki does not prop up Mugabe. South Africa just doesn't see itself as the African police force. Unlike some other countries who think that they rule the planet.