Well, I wouldn't say
all black people live in abject poverty. I think there is a huge disparity. Those black people that are extremely rich and those that have very little, at the very bottom. You do get black owned companies, and with Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), many black people in government etc. Anyway, our universities still have qouta's, where it is far easier to get in if you are non-white, which has caused a silent row, when non-whites who wouldn't ordinarily cope, but still get in to univeresity, can't handle and drop out erc.
But in the hope of reaching equality, I don't want South Africa to become like Zimbabwe, will the farmers and land re-distribution etc.
But many non-whites who are not black i.e. indian, coloured etc., went through the same oppression as black people, but do not complain as much, and are not given as much notice
Yes we have many, MANY third world problems
And dadpad......dream on.
And zoofer, South Africa has many regions which differ greatly in climate, ranging from semi-arid conditions to jungles.