The Janjaweed are behaving no differently (except with modern weapons) against African tribes as did Mohammed and his conquering tribe of muslims against non muslims in Arabia. How else do you think Islam spread to Spain and India in 100 years?
Re: no worry
Setanta wrote:Steve (as 41oo) wrote:Thats a pretty typical response from a bigotted Muslim. Any site that promotes religious tolerance must de facto be anti Islam.
Quel irony, Mon Vieux, non?
Faux. C'est plutôt "Quelle ironie" et non pas "Quel irony".
Avant d'utiliser une langue, il faut au préalable la maîtriser, et notamment lorsque l'on parle de la religion révérée et vénérée qu'Allah a choisie pour l'humanité, L'Islam.
Avant de faire des assomptions sur sujet du compréhension d'un inconnu d'une langue quelquonque, on est bien avisé d'attendre un moment, en consideration de la possibilité d'une blague . . .
Consideration de vos fantasies réligieuses ne fait rien ici . . .
Gosh, I understood most of that...
Re this discussion: The proof is in the pudding. If Islam is making big gains in Africa, we'll know soon enough. It's hardly prejudicial to Islam to want to find the evidence one way or the other, though.
The author of this thread, however--Dalahow--is eager to "prove" that Islam is superior to Christianity, and the number of adherents is one of the bases of that claim. Muslim1, the smart-mouthed religious lunatic who thought to give me a lesson in French, expressed regret at the passing of a "great man," a "sheikh," in response to the news of the death of the vicious, murderous pig Zarquawi . . . in long-standing lunacy such as our few fanatical resident Muslims are fond of perpetrating here, know your enemy is sage advice.
Points well-taken.
Interesting, isn't it, how the True Believers among us insist on presenting their views as self-evident truths...
Perhaps i'm grown cynical, Boss, but that no longer surprises me, and in fact, i take it as a given.
Zarqawi is a great sage? Yeah and Hitler was a great man, too.
Don't rely merely upon my untutored opinion, just ask Muslim1.
Re: no worry
muslim1 wrote:Setanta wrote:Steve (as 41oo) wrote:Thats a pretty typical response from a bigotted Muslim. Any site that promotes religious tolerance must de facto be anti Islam.
Quel irony, Mon Vieux, non?
Faux. C'est plutôt "Quelle ironie" et non pas "Quel irony".
Avant d'utiliser une langue, il faut au préalable la maîtriser, et notamment lorsque l'on parle de la religion révérée et vénérée qu'Allah a choisie pour l'humanité, L'Islam.
can we speak English here then..
Africa turning to Islam? Surely Arficans running away from Muslim slavers as ever.
Steve 41oo wrote:Africa turning to Islam? Surely Arficans running away from Muslim slavers as ever.
I am sure you are talking about
These muslim slaves...... who the jews conspirated to sell in the United states...The issue of slaves was inhuman totally..