gungasnake wrote:Steve (as 41oo) wrote:gungasnake wrote:Steve (as 41oo) wrote:Thanks Gungasnake. Required reading for all muslims.
If there's anything I can't believe in the entire picture involving I-slam and slammism, it's the idea of black people thinking they need to be slammites.
I mean, you'd think any sort of contact with history books would prevent that.
The only positive aspect of Islam I can think of is that its not racist, unlike the "Christian" slave owners in the US. Perhaps its a reaction to that.
You REALLY need to buy a half dozen or so history books and try reading them. English Christians basically ended the African slave trade in the early 1800s, and nothing similar ever happened in the slammite world. To read about Christians and slavery you need to open a history book. You can read about slammites and slavery by opening most slammite newspapers to the classified ad section under 'S'.
And YOU Gunga Din really need to engage your brain before posting intemperate remarks like that. I can assure you I have no need to buy half a dozen history books, I am surrounded by bloody history books. Everywhere I go in this house I trip over history books. And my proposition that Islam was attractive to American blacks in part because it specifically was not the religion of the slave owning classes was not unreasonable.
Setanta thanks for the illuminating response. Just when I think this site is a waste of time and I should leave we get another pearl of wisdom from you...damn it