Interesting. I'm currently taking a break from studying for the NY Bar, and I'll admit, it
would be nice to become licensed without having to take it. Of the many subjects that are tested, I won't need to remember much of it after the exam, since I'm going into a particular field of law.
That a person could go $100,000 into debt after three years of intensive study and NOT be able to practice what they studied for just because they didn't pass ONE test seems unfair. I've known VERY intelligent students (TA's even) who did not pass the bar, for whatever reason (maybe they choked the days of the exam, or they just don't "test" well).
Personally, I'm scared sh*tless. I already have a job waiting for me in September, and many other plans, but all that goes out the window if I don't pass this one test. Uh... I'm going to get back to studying now. Writing this just got me depressed.