True enough patiodog, but you should see what some people say about 'The Giving Tree'

Actually, it was one of my favorite books as a kid. That tree was a total sucker, heh.
There was this big old oak tree in a field in Santa Cruz that I climbed in college while having a certain type of, er, experience.
Went back a couple of years later while having the same kind of experience and the tree had died and fallen down. Dubbed it "The Giving Tree."
I remember the book very fondly, and still have it. Must be a maudlin sort, or a logger.
Pdog - Does everyone who is having such an experience want to climb trees? I know I did when I had those kind of experiences.
Dunno. I always get very kinetic; love to go leaping down hillsides. Talked the gf up a tree once; then had a hell of a time talking her down...
I have been up two different trees in two different states with two different groups of like-minded friends.
Hmmmm. Maybe my parents should have let me keep that prehensile tail I was born with.
(oops! never mind!)
In man's evolution he has created the cities and
the motor traffic rumble, but give me half a chance
and I'd be taking off my clothes and living in the jungle
'Cos the only time that I feel at ease
Is swinging up and down in a coconut tree
Oh what a life of luxury to be like an ape man
I'm an ape, I'm an ape ape man, I'm an ape man
I'm a King Kong man, I'm a voo-doo man
I'm an ape man
-- the Kinks
And we all know what state of mind those guys were in....
Yeah, they didn't dig the Fence Builders, either, but they probably figured the Circle People were all right. (Ne'er mind -- had to be there.)
You guys ever play penis puppets? Just checking.
I've SEEN penis puppetry. But, I don't imagine you were talking to me.....
I stopped when Kermit filed charges...
My bologna has a first name, it's o-s-c-a-r.
My bologna has a second name, it's m-a-y-e-r.
I like to use my bologna every day,
but if you ask me why I'll say
Oscar Mayer has a way
with b-o-l-o-g-n-a.
Uh well, except mine's called Chuck. By her, not me, of course.
(How much wood coulda wood chu... nemmind).
Anyone else's gf name theirs? Origin? Reason? Lack thereof?
People are strange...
patiodog wrote:shoulda said pig, man. hung like a pig.
(a lotta people go with "bear," and they are very small...)
are you trying to ruin my self esteem in front of the group?
A few interesting penis facts.
I call mine the South, because the South will rise again.
My bass player calls his Gregory Pecker.
My second wife called mine Mr. Weinie. Not very imaginative.
I can make mine go in a circle no hands. I used to be famous for it at parties and people still talk about it today.
I also used to paint a happy face on the head with a magic marker and take it around talking to people at parties. I used to do a lot of drugs.
I have a friend with five penises. The ladies and even some of the men love him. He's also a sharp dresser. His pants fit like a glove. :wink:
do all five function??? heard tell usually not.