Three Doors Clearing

Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 06:42 pm
Meadows hummed quietly on top of the aged hill up on Gill's Landing. Charlie Ripton walked out of his house to go cover up the strawberries, before the next harsh winter would come and eat them up for itself. He took the crimson tarp and laid it down softly in order not to crush them, and came back inside to find his father reading the day's newspaper.
"Strawberries are covered, you need anything else…" Charlie began to wonder if he should have asked, knowing his dad; he'd find something.
"Ummm… Yeah come to think of it", Charlie's dad replied as Charlie sighed, "I need you to get some firewood up at ol' Bill Waring's. I got some from Sara Hither, but its all bug eaten."
Charlie left for Bill Waring, wishing he could just turn back time. Bill was a man of eighty four, and liked to croak on about the neighborhood and what it had become. Normally whoever he talked to got the blame for it, whether or not they had a connection to the problem. Not only was he a tiresome old man, but his house was a great distance from the Ripton residence. The only way to get around it was to walk the bridge along Pulver Lake.
The road was muddy after the melting of last week's snow, and as Charlie dodged a puddle, a light snowflake landed on his round nose.
"Ugh", said Charlie as he rubbed the flake off.
Gill's Landing had been Charlie's home ever since he was born. Now that he was fourteen, it was amazing how little it had changed as he himself had. He now stood taller with thicker auburn hair ("You need to cut that", his mother would often say absently), as his dark brown eyes barely saw a thing as more snow was falling.
It came down hard and fast now, so that Charlie had to make run for the Pulver Lake Bridge. He stood against its weak walls, "Lucky it's a covered bridge", muttered Charlie. He looked back and forth and couldn't see a single thing through the whirl of snow that blocked his path.
"Just great. There's Gill's Landing for you"
Charlie decided to stand against the bridge and wait, knowing that what he had said about Gill's Landing was true. Weather was strange today though, stranger than normal. The snow didn't fall down straight, nor did it swirl, but it seemed to fall straight up if it was possible. After a minute or so Charlie decided to sit on the uneven wood planks of the bridge.
The wood snapped in two, and for some reason it was starting to steam from the bottom. Then Charlie looked further down, and saw something red starting to glow. It became orange now, and Charlie suddenly realized that the bridge was going up in flames. He didn't have time to wonder much, but the first question was: Who would want to start a fire here? The second question he asked himself was: How could a fire start underneath this board, when the lake is frozen? The last one was: What the heck am I doing by waiting here in a bridge in flames?
He ran and ran towards the end of the bridge, and noticed that the snow was still "falling up". He got out and something grabbed him. He was forced to the end of the frozen lake, and grabbed his arm in pain. What was it that had grabbed him, because it couldn't have been a who with that strength…?
He looked blankly into the still busily snowing landscape, and only saw smoke coming from the bridge, ice dripping near it. Charlie pushed against his arm difficultly and tried to walk after the fall, but it was more of a slow limp. The blush blaze was coming nearer; no it was racing towards him!
Charlie went to run the other way, and an even odder thing happened. Snow accumulated rapidly, so that a barrier was created. More and more barriers were erupting through the icy frozen lake, and sill the smoldering embers raced on to reach him.
The only area where a blockade wasn't created was behind him, which happened to be where the fire was now sprinting towards him. He decided to run this way, and hopefully reach a turn.
Dashing until he reached no turn, the fire stood in front of him. It trapped him, the fire was not just fire anymore, it was a being. As Charlie stood looking at the flames he realized that they were what had forced him out of the bridge in the first place. They were mesmerizing and strange, and as Charlie became hypnotized by its flowing back and forth, he forgot the imminent danger he was in.
The flames burst into a bright and vivid violent, the ice melted quickly. Charlie backed up, in order not to fall into the lake. Snow stopped falling, down or up, as did the fire. The barriers started to melt into the ice, and across from where he stood the bridge had reappeared. All that stayed from the blaze was a round hole in the lake. Instead of being filled with water though, light was flooding through it. When Charlie took a closer look, there were steps leading to the pit of the dark water.
He put his foot in the hole, and then took it out. Somehow, it was completely dry. Charlie pushed his foot upon the steps, and then took the next. He took another step and went down the lit staircase unknowingly.
As Charlie got further down the staircase, the steps got gradually bigger, and as he got closer, he realized that the steps became a great floor at the bottom. Around the staircases, there was no water. Even across the floor there was no water, but instead walls of water surrounded the area.
The ice had grown over the hole that Charlie had just came down, so that he was stuck within the strange place he now stood in. Fear thumped at his heart, and he started to run down the stairs to the elegant floor that lay below.
Even within the terrible horror, Charlie couldn't help but to marvel at the remarkable beauty of the place. Torches were held on the walls, and a large diamond was placed on the ceiling, so that it reflected the fire. The luminous redness of the fire surrounded the room, in an eerie but striking way. The ceiling was made of the ice of the lake, and had looked like it had frozen when the lake was just starting to ripple.
In front of him stood an majestic mahogany door, which seemed to draw attention to itself. Charlie took the last step and was now glued to the door, walking towards it. You couldn'say it was walking though, almost just letting his feet move. His mind was too separate from his body to control his movement.
He came closer to the door, almost feeling that he had to enter it. Or Else.
It was a great doorway, of magnificent size, a size that no one could see the tops of. Two swinging doors stood tall and proud, with odd and unfamiliar designs engraved into them. A great circle that had three smaller circles inside it was the most obvious. Eight faces, maps, what looked like an old tree, a crown, and a peculiar castle stood on top of the circles.
Charlie lightly touched the engraving, when they suddenly started to move. The three circles rotated and revolved inside the grand circle, so that they looked like fantastical planets. The faces now seemed to be in deep discussion with each other, and as Charlie looked towards a man on the right, he was shocked by who stood beside him.
There on the door stood Charlie Ripton, himself!
He shook himself of the shock, and looked back at the maps. Ships now went back and forth between them, and waves flew through the water areas of them.
The tree seem to grow into spring and die into winter at a rapid pace, while the crown seemed to bounce back and forth on top of the heads of two members of the group of faces jokingly.
Two brilliant birds circled around the tree and looked as if they too were in discussion, if they indeed could talk.
The castle was still on the top, if anything it was brighter, but Charlie observed no change in that particular picture.
Something in the door made Charlie want to go in, more than anything in the world. It was as if his conscious had been confused. Part of it wanted to turn the other way and try to escape, while the other part thought that if he left the thought of the door would haunt him forever. With a confused conscious, all that controlled his thoughts was the door. Something in its power was strong; Charlie felt if he looked away he would not only be haunted by thought, but that he would die.
He couldn't deny it; the door had taken his entire mind. It was taking his hand and moving it towards itself, and he couldn't believe it. He tried to move it back, and he couldn't. He tried to use his other arm to stop it, but couldn't.
His hand touched the knob now, there was no use, and he had lost it.
He turned it slowly.
The door opened and the walls of water started to flood the room.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2006 08:18 pm
Chapter 2
Thousands of miles away, by the side of a salty and windy ocean, two friends stood near a quivering fire that cooked a dead pig.
"Too long Sarrilye and you know it. You're a wise man, but this is the end. Look to the ocean, far beyond us. Their sail's are flapping in the wind. They have escaped. We have tried to stop them by ourselves for too long now, and without recruitment we will fail miserably. They will get to Three Door's Clearing soon enough, and Veneer Delphi cannot stop them. He has taken care of Time Dwelling for a long time, and I...I think your plan will not work."
Sarrilye sat on a log near the fire, and pondered the question that Arious had given him.
True it was a difficult plan, and true he and Veneer were getting old. His eyes had become sunken and his hair was a dull grey. He held a cane to his side, and his reflexes were getting slower with time.
"Arious, you are young. You have not fought the same battles that I have; I know what needs to be done. Three Doors Clearing is hidden well, and they do not have the advantages that we do. Veneer still has tricks up his sleeves."
Arious was a young woman with hair that was as red as the fire the burned in front of her. She stood at a height uncommon of young women her age, and had dark blue eyes. She had become proud of the fight she had become part of, but you could see in her eyes that she had grown downtrodden.
"Sarrilye, you know I could never deny your wisdom, but there are things that must be said. Even if Veneer has tricks up his sleeve, we don't know them yet. We are alone, and you know that. You've said it yourself that people have not fought the battles you have, nor have they fought the battles we have. Even those that are against Hark Silver underground, are no help to us. All I am saying is that they could be…if we gain time."
"What are you suggesting Arious?"
"I suggest that we go to Veneer ourselves, and we go back to the Milvard Times. If we were to see inside that castle, and know where the last door of Three Doors Clearings is…"
"ARIOUS! You know that time is not to be tampered with! Not in that way! If we were to find Milvard and enter the third door, we could end up in the middle of nowhere. All would be lost!
"We've both grown weak Arious, as have both our minds. We are both partially correct. I admit the downfall of my own plan…"
"No, it's not that…"
"Yes, yes it is." Said Sarrilye as he patted her on the back, "Let's say we wait for them to reach Time Dwelling, and then we finally reach them. They know we are following them, and no doubt will be prepared. Killing the two of us will be clockwork, pardon the pun, to them. But your plan is also threatening, to invade time. We need more people, and that's the gist of it. That's the gist of it."
As Charlie turned the knob and the door opened, it sucked him in. He didn't know what he was or where he was. Turning was all he knew, an unimaginable twisting and turning. He couldn't take anymore, he felt hot and cold at the same time. He had lost his hearing, he had lost his sight. Feeling was impossible. Then he heard a voice, a strange voice like humming.
"Is that Milvard?" said the voice.
He looked up it was a green blur talking.
"No, send him through the door to our world. He can't go back"
Another red blur past him.
Charlie couldn't believe he heard that even, and was only able to see blurs.
He thought this could be the light, the end.
He knew that he had lost it all, including his own life, all because of a stupid door…
"Sarrilye, look at that smoke. Doesn't it seem weird to you?" asked Arious.
"It looks like, it looks like…"
The smoke curled and weaved around itself, into what Arious had said, a weird shape. What looked like two legs became a body. Then arms spread from its torso, and a head started to grow from its neck.
"It's a person!" said Arious.
"STAND BACK!" yelled Sarrilye.
Arious and Sarrilye ran back, and held out their hands prepared to attack.
A boy of 14 fell materialized from the smoke, and fell beside the fire.
His name was Charlie Ripton.
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Reply Sun 4 Jun, 2006 07:19 am
Well, no posts yet so I figured I'd get along with Chapter 3. I've got about thirteen now!

Chapter 3
"Is he…I mean he can't be…dead", said Arious lightly.
"No, but it is odd. I thought for a moment that it was an enemy. He wasn't prepared for smoke transportation. It's a dangerous art; I wonder how he did it? At that age. Here kid…" said Sarrilye as he tipped a dark blue liquid into his mouth.
Charlie could feel the coolness of the drink flow through his veins, finally the calm after the disaster that was in that door. He didn't know what had happened, but he knew that he wasn't in danger anymore. The names Arious and Sarrilye had been said, but who they were he had no clue. Arious and Sarrilye had to be foreign names, he did know that. How he had ended up in a foreign country, when he was in Gills Landing ten minutes ago he couldn't make out.
"Thanks" coughed Charlie Ripton.
"Oh you're awake; well you've had an interesting travel haven't you? Smoke transportation, you must be the only conjurer of your age that could manage that…"
"Excuse me, conjurer?"
"Yes, user of magic. Powerful magic too…how'd you manage it?"
"Magic? Conjurer? No, I just, well maybe I shouldn't have. But you see it really wasn't my choice…"
Charlie wondered inside if there really was such a thing, if this wasn't some dream. He was dead, that was it. He came in the door, and knew he had died. This was the afterlife, and maybe there…magic did exist.
"Choice? Well no, you're just born to it…" said Arious, confused equally by the boy's confusion. He was a conjurer, and thought it all an accident?
"Well, there was this fire and…"
Charlie went on and on to tell about the fire and the stairs, and finally opening the door. The girl looked more and more depressed as he went on to explain, especially when he came to the part about Gills Landing. The old man though, Sarrilye, looked fascinated by it all.
"You mean, you're just…just normal?"
"Well, yes. But I thought that this was well, heaven or something like that. Isn't everyone sort of normal?
"Heaven? No your near Drifting Ocean.", Arious couldn't help but be depressed that he was "regular", hoping that he could have helped them.
"Where is Drifting Ocean?"
"Wait a moment; you say that you got here through a door. What was on that door?"
"I dunno lots of things. There were people, and a castle, and circles all in a big circle. There were…three of them."
"THREE DOORS CLEARING!" yelled both Sarrilye and Arious at the same time.
"What's that?" Charlie asked
"WHATS THAT??" Arious questioned Charlie.
"It would take too long to explain. We'll take tomorrow, its time for rest"
"But I have to get back to that door." said Charlie.
"Let me warn you now Charlie Ripton-"
"How do you know my name?"
"Let me warn you now Charlie Ripton, you may have seen that door for the last time in your life."
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Reply Sun 4 Jun, 2006 07:12 pm
Well, no suggestions yet? So here I come with Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Charlie woke up the next morning, tired and exhausted from the dream he had last night. Somehow he had found a door, and had ended up by an ocean with two people. Their names were as strange as their words and he had somehow managed to be called a "conjurer", and had ended up in a place called "Three Doors Clearing".
That was all a dream though, so Charlie had no hesitation in waking up, until he saw who was in front of him.
"Good, you're up. I've forgotten how long your kind sleep…Breakfast?"
The girl he met last night, called Arious stood in front of him with what looked like burnt pig.
"No thanks." Said Charlie, it was enough that he had to wake up in another world, why did she have to come in his face with that?
"Take it…" said Arious as she handed it to him reluctantly "Think of it as thick, um…crispy bacon"
The thought of it while looking at that mess was impossible.
"Sarrilye, he's wide up. He'll need some explanation though, I'm sure. Wouldn't you Charlie? Sarrilye told me your name last night."
An explanation would be nice, now that he came to think about it. The two of them had said so many confusing and whimsical words last night, that he could barely believe it all was real.
"Oh, you're up Charlie. Good to hear…good to hear" mumbled the old man behind Arious, named Sarrilye.
"Yeah, I'm up. Where did you say we were? Near Drifting Ocean? Where exactly is that..." said Charlie as he attempted to nibble at the "crispy bacon".
"Well I believe I owe you more of a why than a where, don't you? Its long, but we have some time, now that you're here…"
Charlie wondered what he meant by that, but he did want an explanation.
"It started a long time ago…before your world even existed…"
"MILVARD! MILVARD! Come at once! Your medicine is ready!" shrieked a woman down the stairs of a tall castle.
The young man on top of the stairs sighed slightly, as he slumped down the steps.
"There's a boy, there's a boy." said the woman in a wispy voice.
"Don't call me that Evelyn; you know I hate that…"
"MAYBE I WOULDN'T IF YOU HAD MORE RESPECT FOR YOUR TITLE! And this being the knighting of Liverfist and all…"
"I hate Liverfist!"
"DON'T YOU BACK TALK BOY; HE'S YOUR KING IN A MATTER OF MINUTES! If you would take this medicine"
"Insanity medicine, I would say it's as if you have no respect for my title."
Evelyn growled quietly, "I had very much respect for you and your father, but if you are sick in the head you must take something." She said in that spine-chilling wisp of a voice.
"Take it back Evelyn!"
"Will if you take this medicine…"
Milvard grabbed the bowl, and tipped the drink quickly in his mouth. A mixture of ginger, pineapple juice, and something that made that drink purple was supposed to cure insanity.
"Take it back now!"
"Fool of a boy, I take it back." said Evelyn as she took the bowl and trotted off.
"I hate this…" said Milvard.
His father had died nearly a year ago, after some considerable troubling times. He had also been given insanity medicine for saying that he knew of an invisible door. In this door he had told Milvard was a whole other land that he hadn't entered, but one day would when he could with Milvard.
Milvard was young at the time though, and soon told Evelyn, Liverfist, and others about this world. They confronted his father, and labeled him insane after the loss of Milvards mother to a plague.
There were other things in this door than a door to another world, but odd things, magical things. Supposedly a rapidly growing tree stood in the middle of the room, and the leaves of it could cure any illness that his father had if they were grounded and put in dark red wine. Evelyn seemed to think that it was the medicine she had provided him instead.
Also there were two phoenixes's who advised him on the troubles of the castle, one was a jade colored genius while the other was a wild scarlet rascal as he called them.
As Milvard thought back to those times, a hiss of a voice interrupted him.
"Come here, now!" jeered Evelyn.
Milvard walked down to Evelyn, "What now?"
"What now? I already told you boy! Liverfist!"
"What a terrible name for a king. Lord Sheridan gives his counsel to Lord Liverfist…"
"What's in a foolish name, at least his name isn't as irrational as your father's rambling was."
Milvard grew tired of asking her to take back these remarks every day. Especially since everybody else gave him constant jokes about his father. No one would do that when he was alive though, would they, he thought. They feared him then, his power and strength, now he was a gimmick at any celebration that got too boring.
He came closer to where Liverfist, the kings successor was to be knighted King until Milvard came of royal age. He was a terrible man, with rotten teeth and stringy hair. He and Milvard disagreed ever since the day he was born. Knowing that it was impossible for him to hold the title of king forever, as the king had a son; he decided to take it out on him.
In the hall were hundreds of strangers, and people who Milvard had gotten acquainted with but truly disliked. He saw his grandparents on one side, both looking disappointed by the whole situation, and walked towards them, when Evelyn stopped him.
"Liverfist noticed you were late, he wants a word with you"

Evelyn jerked her hand toward Liverfist who was telling a story of how he had defeated a giant, caught an exotic fish with the "power of a shark", and had taken a fifty feat jump from the tallest tower in order to save a toddler, near a group of "friends" who all looked bored of his tiresome lies.
"Ahhh…Milvard you're here. I imagined you were finding invisible worlds and fairies, or what have you. No luck then I suppose…" laughed Liverfist as the others gave him phony smiles.
"No, but I did happen to get away from you for twenty minutes, which was worth the trying." snapped Milvard.
"Good wit there my boy, but I'd try to hold the tongue. It won't get you far in my kingdom, I'm afraid…" he laughed again as his guests rolled their eyes.
"And I'm afraid that once I gain control of this kingdom, you'll be far enough."
Milvard stomped off.
"Must be the medicine, the little youngster", chortled Liverfist on his drink "GIVE TINKERBELL MY BEST WISHES THERE MILVARD" his lonesome laughter continued.
He shook his head at the man, he was a disgrace. He couldn't take it anymore, he went to the library of the castle, nobody would ever think of going there.
Down the western wing of the castle stood a few rooms, most of them empty space. A portrait of his father stood against the wall, and light was limited. When Milvard got closer to the library, he knew something didn't look quite right. Granted, he hadn't been in the western wing for a long time, but he knew that his father's portrait wasn't there. It was on the other wall, where a door that Milvard never saw before now was now placed.
Milvard grabbed for the knob and turned it, as he saw something he never thought he would. The door that his dad had talked about for so long was the door he just opened.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 07:28 pm
Wooooow! I can't believe no posts yet. Well here will be Chapter 5

Chapter 5

"So you see Charlie, inside this door was Three Doors Clearing." said Sarrilye.
"But why do they call it that? Where are the three doors and what's inside of them?"
"Well the one you found was one of them. You probably entered Three Doors Clearing, but was thrown into our world, by whatever those blurs you describe were. Then the other is now in between Milvards castle and Three Doors Clearing. The third one is what this battle is all about…" said Sarrilye.
Charlie pondered the three doors for a moment, they didn't seem too confusing.
"Do you remember when I told you that Milvards father said a new world existed inside Three Doors Clearing?" asked Sarrilye
"Yes, that would be my world wouldn't it?"
"No, that came later; I...I don't know how that world came to be." Sarrilye seemed to look away after saying this "But the other world inside the door that first existed was never seen by Milvard or his father, in fact it has never been seen by anyone. There are the good people, like me and Arious, and then there are bad people, like Hark Silver. That's why this world is getting torn apart, is because of our constant war. In fact it is prophesized that our world will cease to exist after one group of us enters the other world. So as you can see, the first one who finds that world, has it all to themselves. Can you imagine, a world of complete good? We would have no problems. And the other side wants that world of evil to themselves also."
"It must be a terrible fight, but how do you know where Three Doors Clearing is? I mean Milvard and his dad are the only people who saw it… and that was years ago?"
"That's where your world fits in. You see when Milvard entered the door, he was told by the phoenix that once someone entered the world, they could never come back, and no one could go in. It is a once and only door. So Milvard wished that the door would leave so that no one would get trapped, and somehow the phoenixes made your world, and the door to Three Doors Clearing ceased to exist in that castle. It is said that the door will come back to Three Doors Clearing, at the castle, after someone from your world comes to ours. Only that person can see and open the door. That's you Charlie Ripton, you have to go to the castle and open the door for us."
Charlie couldn't believe that somehow he fit into some prophecy, and found himself in this new world, the pivotal being to its existence.
"But you still haven't told me how you know my name…"
"Everyone knows you Charlie, as your name is in the prophecy."
"But if everyone was waiting for me to come, then why did the war still go on?..."
"Because in our world there is a place called Time Dwelling, in which people can enter any time period. If they enter the Milvard Times, then they might be able to enter that world and find the Third World for themselves."
"Can't you guys do the same things though, why is the battle lasting so long?"
Arious and Sarrilye exchanged a scared look.
"I don't trust the door, unless we truly find it with the help of you. If we go back into those times, and it doesn't work than we may forever be gone, and sooner or later someone like you would come along and Harks' team would get to you soon enough."
Arious talked for the first time since breakfast, "We'll have to teach you magic though, because if we don't then they'll know right away who it is, and they could make you open the door for them."
"I'm not a conjurer though, so how could I learn magic…"
"The only reason that is, is because your world doesn't allow for magic. With learning though, you do fair enough. It may be more difficult for you, but we'll fair well. Arious is right, its good for disguise. Tomorrow we'll learn some basics, but as for today, I suggest we get going. News will travel quick enough, and there are people we don't even know who most likely saw you come from the smoke."
"But you don't understand, I have to get back. How do I do that?"
"By entering Three Doors Clearing. You'll have to come with us for that."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 03:33 pm
Chapter 6
Sarrilye took out both his palms and said to Charlie, "This is the basic way to start it, if your trying to do a spell that requires focus. For battle, there's obviously different styles, and you'll develop it soon enough. Watch me now, and we'll start tomorrow."
"CARIKALA" yelled Sarrilye, and from the fire, the smoke started to race in three different directions. It circled itself, until it became a figure. Three stunning horses ran towards them.
Towards Arious a jet black Dutch Warmblood ran with amazing strength, while Sarrilye received an ivory Icelandic.
Quickly towards Charlie dashed an American Saddlebred, it looked curious as he came closer to Charlie.
"Go ahead, rub his neck. Its real you know." Said Sarrilye, who must have been excited by the wonder that Charlie showed.
Charlie touched the horses neck and jumped back.
"Its real!", he said.
"Well he isn't gonna lie to you, geez kid", said Arious, even though she was admiring the Warmblood.
"I know, but I've never seen magic done before."
"Never seen magic before, at your age. Your past being a foal" said a mysterious voice behind him, that Charlie hadn't heard earlier.
"Well I told you I was from the normal world already…" Charlie told them.
"I said it, not them." And Charlie noticed that instead it was his Saddlebred that was talking.
"They can talk!"
"Well not all of us…I'm one of a few. Conjured horses can normally talk though…", answered Charlies horse.
"I did that. Normally talking animals are more useful than non-talking. If hes willing, he would be helpful to warn us, since all three of them are faster than us." Responded Sarrilye
"Of course I'm willing, you gave me life after all." Said the horse as he bowed to Sarrilye "Names Alastair by the way, and yours" asked the horse.
"Charlie… Ripton", said Charlie as he outstrectched his hand, realizing that horses couldn't shake.
"Bow" worded Arious from the side.
Charlie bowed as Alastair did the same.
"And I'm Sarrilye" he told the Icelandic.
"It is an honor to serve one as wise as you sir, you may call me Zeroun"
The horse bowed the same.
"Mignon, it's a pleasure", said the Dutch Warmblood. She bowed slowly and delicately.
"Well if the horses will not object, and since we have introductions finished, I suggest we get going. The race is on."
Charlie had saddled on horses years before, and soon enough he was ready to travel with Alastair. Sarrilye called him over, while Arious was still saddling Mignon.
"Now I've promised you a lesson tomorrow Charlie, and I won't lie. Tomorrow we'll start quick, and you have to start memorizing these, okay?"
"Okay" said Charlie, who saw the task more exciting than tiresome.
"Magic is a lot harder than you think, and its not a joke. You will be faced against conjurers that have practiced and experienced magic for generations, and they will put your life in risk."
"Could I…you won't let me…die, will you?"
Sarrilye looked as if he'd cry at the remark, "They will not wait another second to kill you, after they find that door and have it secured for themselves. We're in luck though, because until they do that, they wouldn't dare to put a finger on you. Your in the clearing until then, which gives us enough time for practice, but it will be difficult." Sarrilye warned him.
"I'm willing to, if it means my life"
"I'm so sorry that you were taken from your life so quickly. It's a brave thing for a young man at your age to take on this task, and I will forever be grateful for it Charlie Ripton."
"Thank you…Sarrilye"
Arious raced towards them, having finally secured Mignon.
"You boy's ready", said Mignon.
"Of course" said Charlie, and though it was nervewrecking to think he was in true danger for the first time in his life, he truly felt as if he was ready.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 05:03 pm
Not even the slightest speck of reply. This has got to be one of my most depressing Topics. And this is posabe the best (posabe = supossed to be)!

Chapter 7

The coolness of the air washed over Charlie to a chill.
"I've never felt cold like this before…", said Alastair the horse.
"Who would expect you to anyway? I mean this being your first day living and all" said Zeroun.
Mignon and Arious snorted in laughter.
"Well I could conjure a warmth barrier around us, but it would be difficult. It'll slow us down some too." Said Sarrilye
"Whats a warmth barrier, and how would it slow us down?" asked Charlie.
"Its just a surrounding of warmth. That's the thing you have to learn about magic Charlie. Any item or animal in this case, takes a certain amount of a conjurers energy. Theres a direct connection between the conjured and the conjurer. If I lose some energy, then the things I've conjured also lose energy."
"How do you know how much energy you have though, and how much you can use?"
"Its not a number game kid, its not like you have points and lose a certain amount after conjuring. You just get a feel for what takes a lot of energy, and even humans know how much strength they have…I mean don't they?" Arious said.
"Well yes, but, will you stop calling me kid. My names Charlie."
Arious rolled her eyes, and Charlie looked back to Sarrrilye.
"So if you conjure a warmth barrier, than the horses will be…slower?"
"Correct, you'll get the hang of it soon enough. I know everyones freezing though, so lets say I speed things up a bit. Theres a building very close to the other side of the ocean. No one will find us there, it's an underground place for our group. I want you to meet some people, and inform them that you're here. I do want them to feel safe though, so I want you to learn some lessons first. If I say "Heres a young man who has never conducted a color change charm", then they'll think we have no chance. So we'll go for a little longer, then we'll stop. I'll put a warmth barrier around us for the night, and then teach you somethings tomorrow."
Sarrilye held his palms out again, "Fistafalis".
Charlie had to grip onto Alastairs neck quickly, as he speeded up along with Zeroun and Mignon.
"This is amazing, I never knew my legs could move this fast. Its as if its effortless" remarked Mignon.
"It is in a way, I haven't sped up your legs you see. The air beneath them is just windier, so it helps you along."
"I never thought of that, but now that you say so, I can feel the draft. Why you've made it colder Sarrilye!" stated Zeroun.
"No, your using your mind. Use your touch though Zeroun. I've made a warm wind."
"Ohhh…" said Zeroun. Charlie had a feeling that if Zeroun was a human, he would have blushed.
"Its brilliant!" said Alastair.
"When we get to the other side of the ocean we'll stop. I'll have Charlie practice magic by helping me with making the shelter. Arious could prepare us a fire. I won't have the strenghth…and Charlie won't have the ability."
"Of course Sarrilye. I have to ask you though, who do you plan to meet?"
"Oh a couple old friends, Arious. No one you'd know…Now that Charlie's here plans have changed."
"Why though? I mean we planned to go to Time Dwelling before this just to stop them. Why couldn't we have gotten them before? Why now? The only thing different is that the new world exists. We could go straight there."
"You have to understand the underground people Arious. They have given up completely. They don't even believe the door ever existed barely, well you'll find some…But now that Charlie's here…Now they'll know its true, it may want them to help us. This is just what you were suggesting Arious, and you were right we need people. We cannot go to the castle unnoticed."
"NEED PEOPLE! The boy has never done magic, hes more of a hinderance than anything else!"
"Arious, please don't" begged Alastair.
"Well he hasn't! We can't pretend, I mean he came to this world on accident."
"Listen Arious, if you don't want me, I can just go to this Three Doors Clearing by myself. If I'm a hinderance, that is!" yelled Charlie.
"Go to Three Doors Clearing? Don't be a fool. You need us, more than we need you!"
"Arious, that is enough!", urged Sarrilye.
"Yes …Sarrilye."
"Well look at that, time goes by quick when your having immature arguments", said Zeroun.
Charlie turned away from Arious and looked behind him, they had made it clear across the ocean already.
"Does the spell really work that well, that's amazing. I couldn't even see across less than a few minutes ago." Asked Charlie
"Yes, it is amazing. But I'm sure Zeroun is somewhat right to." Answered Sarrilye as he glanced at Arious and Charlie. They were trying not to look at each other while they jumped off their horses.
"There you are, m'boy. There you are.", said Alastair as Charlie jumped off.
"Well lets start setting up camp then, shall we?"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2006 05:07 am
Are people afraid of this story, or what? Well, I guess since I already have Chapter 8! This feels somewhat redundant though.
Post. No Reply. Post. No Reply. Post. No Reply!

P.S. - If you have been reading, there is only one Sarrilye!

Chapter 8
The old tree near Milvards castle was starting to sway dangerously as a man started to run towards it, while storms chased on.
"Yes, the boy has gotten himself lost again! Again! I know he's in that confounded door. IF ONLY I COULD FIND IT! I AM THE KING OF THIS CASTLE, THE DAMN DOOR SHOULD BE FINDING ME.", yelled Liverfist.
"We have to destroy it, as soon as he comes out!"
"Yes, but how do I find him? We're in a war Evelyn, I can't have guards circling the castle looking for a fourteen year old boy!"
"Let Althyr take care of it. He is well enough to help us find the door."
"Althyr…Althyr Sarrilye! You trust his ability to find the door, more than myself."
"No, but he knew Milvards father, maybe he told him where to find the door. Maybe he hasn't told us something that could prove useful…"
"Yes, yes, he cooould prooove usefuuul" weezed Liverfist.
"Liverfist, are you okay?" asked Evelyn.
"Yessss, ooooffff cooourse!" said Liverfist, as he fell to the ground.
"LIVERFIST!" yelled Evelyn.
His feet started to move uncontrollably, as if they were starting to walk without him, and soon enough he was standing again, only to start floating forward at a rapid pace.
"Evelynnn! Heee's got meeee!"
"Liverfist, come back! I don't know the magic! I don't know the magic." Said Evelyn as she cried and ran towards him.
"Wait till I get that brat."
"No, I'm going to have at him." Said Liverfist.
Liverfist started to turn around violently, and felt himself getting pushed against the wall. A man who was holding his palm towards his face started to talk.
"I'm afraid not Liverfist, you will not be harming him today!" said a towering younger Sarrilye.
"Sarrilye! Why what is this about?"
"I heard my name Liverfist, and normally that is not a good thing in these surroundings. I believe Evelyn had a question for me. You can stay there for the time being" declared Sarrilye.
Evelyn looked as if she wanted to do something brave by stopping Sarrilye from keeping Liverfist down, but she also looked too fearful.
"The boy's gone…"
"You will refer to him as Milvard, and what do you mean by gone?"
"She means exactly what she says, GONE!"
"OREVEDUS!" yelled Sarrilye, as Liverfist was slammed against the wall again, "You are in no position to cross me, Liverfist."
"I am your king Sarrilye! You should be made aware that I am fully capable of magic, just as you are"
"MILVARD IS MY ONLY KING, AS WAS IS FATHER! I am already aware of your conjuring abilities Liverfist, not even able to move objects. How do you expect yourself capable of moving, or harming myself, an entirely capable conjurer, at a level of utter novice ability."
"Don't threaten him Althyr…" attempted Evelyn.
"No, no need for this Evelyn. He is frozen in his own fear."
Sarrilye let go of the power that was grasping him, by crossing his hands.
"Now, where is Milvard?"
"In that troublesome door, again. Do you know where that door is Sarrilye, I know you were close with Milvards father…?" said Evelyn, in that curling horror of a voice.
"No, I assure you, I have not withheld any information. To assure you I am not lying, I have to tell you that it is my ultimate want to destroy the door also…"
"Why though, what sort of alibi is that?" asked Liverfist.
"Someone of your magical incompetetence wouldn't understand Liverfist, but I have come to understand this door as a dark power. Revealing itself to only certain people is a sinister mark alone. It is a sign that the door almost wants that person, I cannot pretend that the fact the door wants my best friend and his son is not unsettling."
"The boy - Milvard says that there is a new world in the door. And talking birds, and rapid trees…"
"Veneer Delphi, one of my greatest associates deals within matters of Time Dwelling. We have discussed the matter of rapid tree growth, and fear that also. It could be an illusion of course, but it could also mean that time is passing abnormally fast in the door. It could mean that he would die, should he be in there long enough…"
"And the birds, what about them? Phoenixes he says!"
"Which is a misunderstanding on Milvards part. Perhaps he has never asked the birds what specie they were…which of course would be a foolish question to ask anybody, and no doubt Milvard understood that. No, I have discussed this with another friend Hevelus Kenya. She believes they are Sharptrusa's, ancient birds famous for the ability of speech and advice. Also born with the ability to travel worlds solely, which would explain how Milvard knows about the new world."
"Fine, fine. I know we are not on the best of terms Althyr, but I need you to promise me something. If the opportunity ever arrives to get rid of that door, ever at all…Promise me you will get rid of it…" begged Liverfist.
"I…I do not value your thoughts on a great deal of topics Liverfist, I must tell you this. You and your new kingdom have done some terrible and foolish things. But I truly do want that door to leave us, to make us save. I do not make this promise for you Liverfist, but for myself and Milvard. The door will be gone, shall it cross my path."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2006 11:18 am
Not a drop, hint, or sliver of a post. Yet nearly 80 some people have viewed this.

Chapter 9

"All right we're all off our horses, settled down now are we?" asked Sarrilye of Arious and Charlie.
"Yes!", Charlie ignored the question about Arious, eager to learn magic.
"Good then, Arious will you mind starting that fire?"
"Yes Sarrilye, of course. Fervendum!" yelled Arious. Her style was more graceful than Sarrilye's outstretch of his palms. She simply twisted her wrist, as if trying to shake off an annoying bug from a summer picnic.
An orange fire began and twisted from the ground, and Arious took a seat rubbing her hands to warm up.
"Okay, well just to see where we are, lets start off with something simple. Color change. I want you to make the fire purple. With color change, all you have to do is say the color, along with the word cambia. As with any magic or conjuring, you just have to think about the color. When your trying something really difficult, any drifting thought could bring you into some serious danger."
"But I'm dealing with fire here…I could set the whole land ablaze, couldn't I?"
"Magic deals within the spell itself, not what your setting it on. Otherwise the horses would be made of fire. The worst you could do, is change it to a dull brown. So just try it : Violet Cambia!"
Charlie focused long and hard on the color, red and blue circled into a deep violet in his mind. Violet, Violet, Violet! His mind was screaming it, he could feel the color. Purple surrounded him, he had to get it out. Loudly he stumbled on the words.
"Violet Cambala.", the fire lit to a dull purple, but became orange again "Violet CAMBIA! VIOLET CAMBIA! VIOLET CAMBIA!" he screamed, and opened his eyes.
"Well done, well done. Although you've wasted a lot of your energy. And you didn't hold out your palm. You need to learn that, so you can aim the spell. You must have been focused, to not hold out your hand. It traveled straight from your body. Look at it."
A violet fire luminated the area, and danced back and forth.
"Now that was magic, but you'll have to learn conjuring too. That's taking from an element, and summoning from it. But we'll just rest for now. I'll make shelter, along with Arious."
"Ready Arious, we have to summon from the ground. TENTHERA!"
A tent of grass and leaves surrounded them.
"Help Charlie, that's it hold out your hand. And TENTHERA! Focus on a tent."
Charlie did the same thing with the tent, and imagined a bed. He was falling asleep on it in his mind. The idea of energy was hitting him now. Magic and conjuring were just ideas, that were strong enough to become. He wanted the bed, and knew they needed three.
His fingertips shook and out flew a string of something, he wasn't sure what. It curled back and forth like a snake, and wrapped itself around the leafs and trees and the ground. The string tangled the nature, into a mess, and tied it over and over, until a single bed was made.
"Again now Charlie!" yelled Sarrilye.
The ground was lifting from itself, and was becoming a dark green loose tent. Charlie couldn't take his eyes off the sight, of silver string tangling and forming the surrounding. He shook the thought of it from his mind, and yelled again.
More and more of the string left his hand, as he aimed a bed next to the previous.
"Use your other hand!" shouted Arious
"Oh" muttered Charlie as he outstretched his other palm.
"STOP, were losing it!" yelled Sarrilye.
The string stopped.
They were left with a tiny baggy tent, and two beds.
"What happened?" asked Charlie.
"We lost the bind. That thread that we all held onto was a magical bind. When you conjure something of this difficulty, that bond gets extremely strong-"
"But that didn't happen in the fire, when you conjured the horses." Said Charlie.
"No, it didn't. That's for two reasons. One is that it is easier to conjure from fire than earth. But more particularly is that the horses were already conjured long ago. I merely called them, not conjured."
"What do you mean the horses were already conjured?"
"We existed before Sarrilye called for us. We were sent back to a fire, though. Alastair and Mignon had just arrived when you called for us." Said Zeroun
"Where did they arrive though?"
"We'll have more than enough time for magical theory & history tomorrow. As for now, I want you to understand the bind, Charlie. When we create that bind, by conjuring, it gets extremely stong when doing strong conjuring. And if we lose that bind, it could do one of two things. It can rebound on us, and potentially harm us, or just seize to exist. Many conjurers have died by allowing the bind to rebound, so its best not to take the chance. I'll finish off though, stand back. TENTHERA"
The string left his finger, and went towards the ground again. A third bed was laid down in the tent.
"Now, you've done amazing today Charlie. Magic far beyond your seeming ability, but you are less than a novice still, so we'll continue tomorrow. I'll do some basics. But then we must ride on to the underground, immediately. Do you understand? We are in a battle of skill and time now, and it is imparitive that we do not lose."
"Yes, of course. Thanks."
"Well, its late. Best to get to bed.", said Sarrilye as he went out to the horses.
The tent was left to Arious and Charlie.
"G' night…and sorry." Said Arious.
"Oh, um. Me too."
"Listen, I know it'll be hard. But I saw you today, and you'll do fine. The only reason I said those things is that I..I..I..well g' night."
"Oh, g' night"
Charlie went to bed, wondering why Arious did say the things she said.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2006 07:10 pm
Hi charlie

Thought if I was the first to post you might write me into your next epic - Endy the drunken bard... :wink:

So, I guess you write most of your spare time. And love writing. Keep it going - like you said.... it's getting read.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jun, 2006 10:05 am
Thanks Endymion! You'd be surprised how little I write actually! Most of what I do is art. This was during a writing burst "phase" I went through a while ago. I go through these phases of trying new things and just jumping into them for a month, then I stop. As it happens, this story only goes onto Chapter 14! But I know the ending!

Also as it happens, I happen to have a character I don't have a name for yet, which could be your name! He isn't a drunken bard though, he's more of a conducter of the murstrel music. Murstrels are terrible creatures that arrive from instruments that have collected dust over the years. They are able to sing just like the instruments, but only to ward off enemies. Hark Silver once employed them by using this unnamed guy, however the man was confronted by Sarrilye who took him over to the good side. The creatures now put on a show every night under the direction of this guy. The guys name will now be called Endy! He becomes very important to the plot, if I ever reach his spot! Very Happy Surprised
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jun, 2006 05:45 am
Sounds about right - my Bass guitar has been collecting dust recently...

Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jun, 2006 10:16 am
oh thats good, Endy will be a good name for him!
Most of the names in my story are regular names with a change (Arthur became Althyr...so Andy will become Endy) Well I'm glad i received your post, that made my day! heres chapter 10!

Chapter 10
"That sounds fair enough Sarrilye, thank you for your help. As for now, we must find Milvard." Suggested Liverfist, who had gotten himself off the ground.
"Good, but I'm afraid that would be an impossible and useless task to try and complete."
"Why's that?" asked Evelyn.
"For one, the door will not reveal itself to us, therefore it would be impossible to go and get Milvard, if we were to attempt that. Secondly, it is useless, because he has just returned." Answered Sarrilye.
"Don't lie to me Althyr, how do you know he has returned?" said Liverfist as he had regained control of his initial fear.
"There has just been an enormous amount of magical energy flow throughout this castle. Perhaps you didn't feel it, with your …limited ability. However it has just left. The shutting of the door I believe. And I'm correct, Milvard is coming now."
Sarrilye pointed behind himself and true to his word, Milvard ran past them.
"Infidus!" said Sarrilye, and Milvard froze in his tracks.
"Come here now, MILVARD!" said Evelyn.
"No, we will talk. You two have a war to carry on with, I believe. Yes, that will be far more than enough…Evelyn. Good bye now." Said Sarrilye as he bowed to Liverfist.
Milvard couldn't stand the sight of it.
"Don't bow to him Sarrilye, he doesn't deserve it."
"No, no. Agreements between us Milvard. This is only an honesty right, I have little respect for him. But I do have respect for honesty, and what we has been said today. Know that forever Keirin Liverfist."
And with that Milvard and Sarrilye left the two.
"What was that about?" asked Milvard.
"We'll talk later, I want you to meet with some of my friends now though."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Jun, 2006 07:28 am
Well here we go again, Chapter 11 has arrived. Actually I'll post 12 and 13 with it. Thats the end folks. Charlie Ripton & Three Doors Clearing only reached a chapter fourteen. Plus as a bonus I'll put a separate random piece of writing that would have been a different chapter. Isn't this exciting????

Chapter 11
"Up, up, up. Horses are ready, and we should be too!" said Sarrilye to Arious and Charlie, who were still sleeping in as sun peered through the tent.
"Ohhh…why now?" asked Arious.
Charlie had convinced himself a second time that this was all a dream. But he knew that would be impossible. He would have had to been sleeping the past two days. Maybe he was in a hospital. Still Arious and Sarrilye talked on, denying him of his last defense against the "dream theory".
"Wake up, Charlie. Come on, there you go", said Arious as she shook him back and forth.
"Yes, yes. I know." Charlie rubbed his eyes of sleep, into the morning sun.
"Out, I've prepared breakfast. Egg and Toast. Hevelus brought some marmalade, and some orange juice.
"Hevelus?" asked both Arious and Charlie.
"Its real then Sarrilye, of course I knew they were though…. Oh Arious its been so long. And then Hark Silver and your parents,… look how you've grown" said a plump woman dressed in what looked like animal hide.
"I'm so sorry, but have I met you before?..." asked Arious.
"No, it is I who should be sorry. You knew me when you were so young, that you wouldn't remember. Hevelus Kenya, a friend of your parents. Before the terrible deeds that passed. I saved your life, when it happened. But that's a bit unmodest of me to say. I'm a friend of Sarrilye, and now that you've grown, I assume we too will be friends."
"Hevelus arrived this morning. I thought to send message to her, before we arrived. She was the only one who I knew could arrive quickly, one of the few that still believe in the existence of the door, and the single person who would be wise enough to accept your ability Charlie."
"Accept? Not from what you've told me Sarrilye. He tells me that you are skillful in learning. You were able to perform conjuring and magic, one without even holding out your palm. That shows wonderful concentration. Of course, not everyone else will think that. No, they'll want experience. But we can't let opinions stop us, I told Sarrilye. We'll teach you what you need to know, but nothing like changing an orange to an apple. How we'll obtain help, well I'll assist us there."
She seemed to talk a lot, but it was calming. Sarrilye could prepare him, to an extent, but she was more able to make him feel safe.
"Hevelus Kenya. And you must be Charlie Ripton, yes yes. Heard all about the prophecy. You know it is etched on the castle. Well I haven't seen it, but I trust those who have...."
"Hi, nice to meet you." I smiled, weakly.
"No, no, it is nice for me. I have waited. We always knew. Oh we knew, and now that its coming down to the wire. Thank you Charlie Ripton." she hugged Charlie and started crying and rubbing at her sniffling nose.
"Now, come one Hevelus. Don't scare the boy off. We have to get going. Where is Veneer Delphi, still at Time Dwelling?"
"Yes, he has matters taken care of. The regulars are at the underground room. Carell Viscero had just arrived when I got there, along with Jiver Mimick."
"Good, that will suit us just fine. We have to create a plan. We want the dark side to go to Time Dwelling, and we want to go to that door. We'll decide what to do then. Were you followed?"
"There are adurofon ponds everywhere...."
"Thats to be expected...."
"Then whats the plan?" we all asked Sarrilye.
"For now, there isn't one. At least not yet."

Chapter 12

The night passed on just like last night, with Charlie wondering who and what Carrell Viscero, Jiver Mimick, and adurofon ponds were. His thoughts were interrupted by what sounded like Hevelus yelling at Sarrilye.
Charlie walked around to the other tents in which Sarrilye and Hevelus were now inside. Arious stayed sleeping.
"Sarrilye you have to tell him, otherwise he has no bond to us. Other than going home, and in the end that might not be possible."
"Don't you think I have considered this all, considering my current circumstances?"
"Of course Sarrilye, but it would be beneficial to them if they knew about you. What they were risking for you and themselves. Does Arious even know about her parents? She seemed awestruck at the mere mention of them. And does Charlie even know about Milvards times? The truth about them!"
"Don't do this Hevelus, not now. Not when things have changed now."
"If not now, when? When Sarrilye? When?"
"Now. Charlie come in..."
Charlie was shocked when Sarrilye knew he was there, and went into the tent.
"You've heard a lot Charlie? Have you?"
Sarrilye asked him, while Hevelus looked away.
"No, not too much. How did you know I was there?"
"Your shadow..." mumbled Hevelus.
"Oh. I'm sorry, I just heard something and I..."
"No, it was well thought out Charlie. There is no punishment, although perhaps more will be expected now. What did you hear Charlie?"
"You, aren't telling us everything. About me, or Arious, or you...I may not go home."
"Yes, you are correct. But I'm afraid Charlie that I must do something I wished to never do. I don't blame you Charlie Ripton, I merely blame fate. EIDETICA!"
Charlie fell face down in front of Sarrilye and Hevelus. Hevelus cried in the background, while Sarrilye shook his head.

Chapter 13

"What did you do Sarrilye?" asked Arious who had just left her tent to see what the cause was of the light was.
"I only performed a memory charm. We have to leave now, before he wakes up. Take him back to his bed. If he wakes up somewhere else, he'll flip out. I only obliterated the memory of our conversation."
"What conversation, and why did you have to erase it?"
"Arious, there are many things you are unaware of. Knowledge I have to protect, in order to help you."
"Tell me what you know Sarrilye."
"I cannot Arious..."
"Arious he can't say." offered Hevelus
"Tell me or I will go to the other side Sarrilye."
Hevelus looked at Arious as though she was frightened by the simple statement, frightened enough that she thought about leaving herself.
"Do not cross me like this Arious..."
"DO NOT CROSS ME ARIOUS, not after what I have done for you. After what Hevelus has done for you."
"It doesn't matter what you did, if I've no clue what it is!"
"Later Arious, I'll tell you everything." muttered Hevelus.
"Hevelus!" warned Sarrilye.
"She is not the young girl you took in so very long ago Sarrilye. You forget how fast aging occurs, because you..."
"Listen, both of you. I don't care if you tell Arious later, but Charlie cannot know. It will tear him apart more than he already is. We have to put him back into bed. He is the key to winning this war."
And with that, the modified Charlie Ripton was carried back to bed.


The hole in the ground was visible only to those who would have prepared for it. As Sarrilye came over, he mouthed to Charlie and Arious.
"We must remain unseen, come now. Closer...Both of you put a foot inside the hole."
Sarrilye placed his foot inside the hole, while Charlie and Arious looked at each other mysteriously putting there feet beside his.
"Hold my hands now. Tight security, I know..."
They held hands and Sarrilye gave the last instruction.
"Hold on tight! PLAUSTRUM!!!"
There bodies twisted quickly so that they looked like a top. The hole got larger and larger, and they were falling further down into the ground. On and on they twisted until they were what seemed like an emotionless drill. No one screamed. It was impossible. They weren't human anymore. Their body and soul were completely separated. As Charlie looked up, he could see what looked like a ghost of himself.
Downward they went on until they eventually slowed down, and the drill stopped revolving. Their feet swayed back and forth, and they finally touched what seemed like tiled ground. The ghostly souls fell back into the three, as all of them shook their heads back into reality.
"What was that about?!" Charlie attempted to yell; instead a tired grumbling released it.
"Soul Checker." nodded Sarrilye, as Charlie who had lost the desire to talk made a look that Arious took to be unknowing.
"The hole wanted to make sure we were coming here for the right reasons. It checked our soul, for what our intentions were. It would have thrown us back if we weren't."
Charlie made his normal response, "Oh.."
"Onward now, this isn't the last trick we'll have to pass."
The marble tiled floor led on straight ahead, and the ceiling was the ground they had gone under. It was a messy Victorian hallway. The lights were elegant lamps that were touched with gold and colorful stain. In between these lamps were what seemed like broken flickering light bulbs pushed into the plaster wall. It was gaudy at its best, as a combination of rich and poor.
Soon they came to three things: a mahogany door (scratched and furnished with a plastic knob), an umbrella, and a rather large sculpture of a man.
"What's this then Sarrilye?" asked Arious.
"Can't be too hard to figure out. No, the door must be impenetrable, we'll have to use the statue and umbrella some how..."
A white light flickered inside the umbrella, as Arious and Sarrilye were deep in thought.
"Sarrilye, something's inside that umbrella."
"Mmm...Oh what's that Charlie?"
"In the umbrella, it just flickered. Something's inside it."
"Well then, we should open it. If you would Charlie, I believe you are owed the surprise."
Charlie walked towards the umbrella, not knowing if this could be considered a prize he was owed. He was more fearful if anything.
There it stood right by the door, continuing to flicker, more now than ever. Charlie opened it up, by pushing the knob on the end, and the umbrella opened quicker than most.
Out flew the light! It bounced from the walls, back and forth, breaking the remainders of the unbroken light bulbs. Charlie's eyes followed it, until it stood in front of him. It flashed one more time, and a ghost positioned herself there.
"What did yer go ter that trouble fir? Eh! Go and wake a nice lady up, for wha'." the ghost asked.
When she was living, she definitely couldn't have been much of a lady. Even as a pale white ghost her teeth were a sickly yellow tint. With a dirty British-Irish accent she was able to reveal all of them or at least what was left. She had a twitchy look about her, and her hair was a scraggly muddle. She wore a beautiful white dress however, and her eyes were a beautiful green even after death. Her demeanor was that of a Queen of Filth. Her personality was an analogy to the room they stood in.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were in there..."
"No, no. There'll be no problem to tha'. I was just looking forward to a bit of a nap. No, gots to guard the door. Gots to do me job. Names Carrell Viscero, tha' you Althyr? Yer ain't changed a dodgy bit, yer know that. How'd yer manage to stay livin' all these years anyhow?"
"I've remained healthy. But what happened to you Carrell, you're only twenty five now. How'd you end up here? What killed you?"
"Oi, you know how these things happen, a murder. Wasn't too big of a deal, what was left of my family had a nice funeral."
"I'm so sorry, who was it that killed you?" asked Sarrilye.
"I was killed by a misshaped spell. Don't even know who it was, that's the thing of it. But I's got it in me head they were trying to get into here, by passing the soul checker. Well they screwed it up, and I ended up here. Got caught up with a couple people and they offered me the job. Too young for haunting and what not. The legions of ghosts are very strict I have to admit. Its fun though, it's a huge place in there, nearly find someone new every day. Come to say though, I'd never spect' you here Sarrilye. Something serious happening, eh?"
"Yes, actually. So much has happened Carrell."
"I know Sarrilye; they say someone has found the door! Three Doors Clearing, they say Charlie Ripton is actually here. Can't put too much stock into that, that's for sure. Arious, your here too. And who's this, never met you b'fore"
"Charlie Ripton."
"Charlie Ripton, Ms."
"CHARLIE RIPTON! You outta your loon kid. Ain't a Charlie Ripton ever goin' ta pass here. Nah, that's fir sure. Who are you kid?"
"He is as he says Carrell. We are here to offer to destroy the third world, so that our own world will not be destroyed itself. We have found the door through Charlie. You remember the prophecy. Hark Silver and others will be arriving soon."
"You's out of your wits Sarrilye. What's he mean Arious?"
"He means what he's saying Carrell. All of it."
"Hahaha! Never thought I'd see the day, well I'm not in a way being dead and all. You know all those years I fought with you guys and Delphi, Hevelus, and Jiver. I've got to say I didn't think it'd happen. But here I am. But wait! How's Hark going to pass through the checker, his soul is black as night."
"That will not matter, if he comes here with good intentions."
"Yeah, well you must be in a rush. Here I am keeping you away and what not. Well, let's say we let them in, Zarek that's a boy wake up now. Come on Zarek!"
The large statue started to rumble and twist, dust flying from his sides. He shook himself awake, and loudly boomed.
"Ha! Did I hear right? That's Charlie Ripton!"
"What are you laughing at there? He seems fine to me. Open the door now Zarek!"
"If I gotta, I gotta. I'm rooting for ya kid." Said Zarek as he pushed the door and blinked at Charlie.
"See ya later there, nice seeing you all. Pleasure to meet Monsieur Ripton." and with a bow, Carrell Viscero left them in a rather long hallway.
The red hall seemed to twist of in more than a thousand directions, and the room had no walls. Endless air was below and in front of them. Music played softly to the left people screamed to the right, the hallway was a downward spiral stair case to the north. The hallway was spider-like, and rather daunting.
"What now?"
"The downward spiral leads to the river of Alph. Secret knowledge is held there. Knowledge that can only be obtained by the dead or the strong can be obtained there. I believe it is the knowledge of the meaning of life, perhaps the knowledge to change time; perhaps it is the knowledge to do the unimaginable. I do not know. The two yellers are Achroix. They aren't people at all. Just emotions that take on humanlike form. We'll go to the left."
Onward they went to the left, the music getting louder and louder. The whole place was fascinating. Doors of every shape and color floated in the air, each leading to a new hallway. There was a rather large black one, with red writing that labeled it "FEAR!" Another door was a light green, covered in ivory labeled: WEATHER!
Yet another was a golden color that read in purple writing: HEALTH!
"What are in all these rooms, and why are they here?"
"What is written on them is precisely what is there. This is Life."
"Life? How can you put it so physically?"
"No, it's not physical at all. All the elements of life are here, even the ones we don't know exist. There are rooms on handwriting, astrology, numbers, language, fire, and even bullfrogs. Each animal has a room, as does every plant, letter, and word. It is a large and daunting place. Not many people are granted the privilege to come here. That is why we call it life."
"But if no one can come here, how does it exist and the rooms?"
"It is probable that that piece of knowledge is in the Alph River. I don't know."
"Who was that back there Arious?"
"That was Carrell-"
A dove flew from a room labeled: LOVE! while Charlie stumbled off.
"WATCH OUT!" yelled Arious, and grabbed him up, "You could have fallen off of there."
Charlie took a deep breath "Th-thanks..."
"No, no need to worry. Watch." Sarrilye said as he walked off the platform.
First he looked as if he was too stumble and fall from the hall, and then another hall materialized in front of him. Another door appeared that revealed the word: ALTHYR TRYNT SARRILYE!
"Interesting, I knew I wouldn't die. But it is odd for it to make a door in my honor. I expect it would be fascinating for anyone to have a door, and useful. Arious, Charlie please walk off the platform."
It took a lot of courage, and felt weird to the both of them, but as Sarrilye said they both walked off. It felt as it had looked for Sarrilye, as though they would fall and this was the end. Then their respective halls went for a while and led to two doors both revealing their names.
"Let's head to the mirror room. Come along now, we'll remember they were here by the room of love"
Charlie and Arious walked back to the main hall and returned with Sarrilye. As they passed more interesting doors (ARTICHOKES! CARPETS! CRACKERS!), more ominous looking doors stood to their right.
"It looks as though Hark and friends have already arrived. One is missing though, Gilbert Hunchcrest. I wonder if he was given the honor of a door...Well we have Charlie, Arious, Hevelus will arrive soon, Jiver is probably lost, and myself. Seems fair enough. Five to Five. Right here we are!"
To the left of them stood a room labeled: MIRRORS!
"Are you sure Sarrilye? I mean shouldn't it be like "Meetings" or "Quests"."
"Yes, but that wouldn't be hidden enough would it now. No those are the doors we will go to, this is another security device. Come on now, they already have the advantage of earliness."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 01:36 pm
The last of my story, and only one person has commented. Yet 115 people viewed it. Are the other 114 people scared? I'm willing for people to tell me it sucks even...just some sort of feedback!
0 Replies
tin sword arthur
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 02:32 pm
I just got done reading all of it. Please, keep it coming as you come up with more. You certainly have my interest. I like it.
0 Replies

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