snood wrote:Hey Momma Angel,
don't sweat this too much. Their arguments can be capsulized like this:
1) God is a scumbag
2) what the bible says proves nothing, so Jesus might have been married.
- by their reasoning, Jesus also might have been an astronaut, a traveling salesman, or a transvestite.
After all their negative haranguing, you're still left with what you brought originally - your faith.
The way I look at it, after we accept that we are engaged in spiritual warfare in life by definition, these dart-flingers don't seem so bothersome - i mean, they do what they have to do, y'know?
This is incorrect. It completely avoids the central question, as does the one he addresses with this post.
1) The Bible has been altered a few times through history.
2) As it is--with what is left of it--there is no statement that points to anything wrong ith Jesus marrying.
3) So, if there's no statement of that kind--people wonder why Christians have created their own rules for what was acceptable for the Son of God.
It is just another glaring example of how people, who have fallen into the mindless plodding clutch, who no longer think or even take the Bible as a guide--but who clamp off their brain stems and are willing to base their eternal souls--and everybody else's--on hearsay and myth.
Even if the Bible is true--they are comfortable with the mythologies about it, handed down by close-minded people, who prefer to make themselves little gods. It's much easier than paying attention to how Christ lived.
You aren't even consulting the book anymore. It's just your perceptions of other's perceptions.
Again. Where does it stipulate that Jesus couldn't have been married?
How do you know that wasn't one of the things deleted in one of it's prvious incarnations?
Would you reject Jesus if he'd been married?