The Da Vinci Code's premise that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children is correct.
Fundamentalists fear the Da Vinci Code because the truth of the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene proves that some of their fear based information about Jesus is incorrect.
Fundamentalist false prophets, like the Pope, Pat Robertson, Ted Haggard, Jerry Falwell, Franklin Graham, Ron Luce, James Kennedy, Billy Graham and their ilk, misuse their power and direct fear-filled followers, (correctly portrayed as sheep), to go berserk with anti-Da Vinci Code rhetoric and religious misinformation.
Tired of economic terrorism, vicious rhetoric and worse, the 99th generation of descendants has decided to confront the multi-billion dollar industry of corporate churches and publicly challenged the fundamentalist false prophets to the ancient method of spiritual debate, called the "Duel of Truths", on the first 4 chapters of the fundamentalist's own Bible.
However, while the false prophets of corporate churches proclaim to the world that they are knowledgeable religious leaders, not one so called "religious leader" has enough spiritual courage to accept the challenge to a proper debate. The Challenge was personally mailed to each false prophet, posted prominently on our website and many internet message boards, as well as being sent directly to churches and media worldwide.
Jesus did all the things attributed to him, and much more, he merely Physically Ascended into Light later in his life, as recorded by our greatÂ…great grandmother, Mary Magdalene.
In summary, we understand the fundamentalist's fear, it must be terrifying to be challenged to a debate of their own scriptures. We can also understand their extreme fear of those armed with only religious dogma attempting to debate spiritual truth in a neutral environment, overseen by an independent panel as described in The Challenge.
The Challenge and uncensored information, from descendants' family records, can be read on The True Jesus website. The uncensored information discusses Jesus' early spiritual training, Mary Magdalene, their 3 children and the Guardians, a group of spiritual adepts who have guarded Jesus' wisdom with their lives for 2,000 years against 1,700 years of work by Rome to silence the truth, including 400 years of their Inquisitions.
If you wish to experience for free, while at your computer, precisely where your Soul is, and to awaken your Soul, merely listen to a 99th generation descendant repeat four words - One, Christs, Love and Light on the front page of
This free 4 minute, on-line, state of the art, DNA test uses sound, not tissue, to find other descendants.
As explained more fully on the website, the electro-magnetic energy in the vibrations of sound, produced by the four words, when vocalized by one descendant, activate the wondrous spiritual energies of the "History Gene" in the pineal gland's DNA, (called the mind or Soul in the west and the 3rd Eye in the east), of other direct descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
A 99th Generation Descendant