Sun 28 May, 2006 10:41 am
We are pleased to announce that Billy Graham has accepted the 21st century descendants from the 1st century marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene's Challenge to a "Duel of Truths".
Billy Graham's Reply: "We appreciate your desire to debate the issue of truth surrounding the idea that someone today can prove, through DNA testing, that they are the direct descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. We noticed that you wanted to confine your debate to the first four chapters of Genesis. Most credible biblical scholars will admit that this is not a section that is written in chronological order. For example, the creation of Adam and Eve in chapter 2 is an expansion of the story of the creation of man recorded on the sixth day in 1:26-30. As for where Cain got his wife, Genesis, chapter 5, gives "the written account of Adam's line." From that chapter, we learn that Adam had sons and daughters; also, that he lived to the age of 930 years. There is no doubt that Cain married one of those numerous daughters or granddaughters of Adam. In other words, Cain married either his own sister or niece."
We have edited out the parts in Billy Graham's Reply where it was said that since Jesus and Mary Magdalene's descendants are not mentioned in the Bible they do not exist, the part where the Gospel of Thomas is not real and the parts where it is said that we have sinned and "stand in need of salvation".
While Billy Graham may be able to summarize his interpretation of the 1st four chapters of Genesis in 7 sentences, the elder brother says his interpretation will be a more in-depth summary and thus will take more time to complete. We appreciate Billy Graham's patience.
We also appreciate Billy Graham's courage to debate us, especially since other leading fundamentalists are still hiding behind closed doors. While Billy Graham has shown civility and courage, other fundamentalists have become, as prophesized, sons of darkness.
Other fundamentalists resort to urging their fear-filled followers to use more devious methods of discontent, such as economic terrorist tactics, all because the leading fundamentalists greatly fear our challenge to a debate on their scriptures, as summarized below.
A 99th Generation Descendant
So where did you got to copy this before pasting it here? It is customary to acknowledge sources when posting at this site.
geez set, caroline 99, a 99th descendant, We are pleased to announce
it's obvious, jebus was her great, great, great, (fill in the appropriate number yourself) great grandpappy
I am pretty sure I am a descendent of an immaculate deception.
i was born just outside of wedlock, in the state of confusion, and raised by my mother, who bored me
That woman was a saint, by Dog . . .
You're, like, really, really, really, really, really, really creepy.
This influx of retards that saw the davinci code and think it is true make meh laugh in ma belly.
Ok then, I am a 300th generation decendant of hercules! Also, im pretty sure I'm related to He-Man somehow.
Doktor S wrote:This influx of retards that saw the davinci code and think it is true make meh laugh in ma belly.
Ok then, I am a 300th generation decendant of hercules! Also, im pretty sure I'm related to He-Man somehow.
Yeah, Satanism is so-o-oo much more sensible and sane.
snood wrote:Doktor S wrote:This influx of retards that saw the davinci code and think it is true make meh laugh in ma belly.
Ok then, I am a 300th generation decendant of hercules! Also, im pretty sure I'm related to He-Man somehow.
Yeah, Satanism is so-o-oo much more sensible and sane.
You never miss an opertunity do you?
Obsess much?
Anyway it's sort of flattering to be the constant focus of your attention.
I challenge you, oh obsessed one, to demonstrate how anything I believe is less than sensible or sane.
Do you have a link for the original source of your post? I'd like to read the whole thing.
Hey Snood!
Doktor S wrote:snood wrote:Doktor S wrote:This influx of retards that saw the davinci code and think it is true make meh laugh in ma belly.
Ok then, I am a 300th generation decendant of hercules! Also, im pretty sure I'm related to He-Man somehow.
Yeah, Satanism is so-o-oo much more sensible and sane.
You never miss an opertunity do you?
Obsess much?
Anyway it's sort of flattering to be the constant focus of your attention.
I challenge you, oh obsessed one, to demonstrate how anything I believe is less than sensible or sane.
Are you talking about your practice of referring to yourself as 'god'?
Which definition of 'god' do you fit, other than the one you made up?
Which definition of 'sane' do you fit, other than the one that allows you to refer to yourself as 'god' ?
Don't flatter yourself, satanist. I stay busy throughout this forum. It's just that everytime I run across your deluded, arrogant ass, I'm gonna ask you to make sense of your seamy "religion".
And when ever someone lambastes your seamy religion, you're going to howl like a stuck pig--plus ça change . . .
So this person Caroline is crazy?
Setanta wrote:And when ever someone lambastes your seamy religion, you're going to howl like a stuck pig--plus ça change . . .
Which seamy religion are you referring to, Set? You don't even have any idea what I believe, except that there is a God, and it ain't me.
I have to admit, though - I almost envy people who don't believe in anything except their own intellect. There's a sort of freedom to set oneself up as the world's critic - standing for nothing, believing in nothing - taking no prisoners... It's lowlife and juvenile and cowardly, but seems very free.
Thanx Xingu. Just posted this on another thread but, I read to the Multi-Dimensional Enlightment thingy on the welcome page. Not my cup of tea.
Oh crap, Xingu found it! Good work buddy.