Thu 25 May, 2006 02:33 pm
We're all Marxists now!
And not one in a thousand would undestand why they would be considered such.
Marx thought that society's economic structure determines the way people think, For Marx, who called those aspects of society's economy (the relations of production, viz., the way in which people's lives are determined by the way they make distribute, and use material goods) the infrastructure, and beliefs, including religion and the arts, the superstructure, he believed that the infrastructure determined the superstructure.
But Max Weber believed that that the superstructure determined the infrastructure. Perhaps it was once true with the rise of capitalism, where the Calvinistic beliefs and view of saving money, investing it and the resultant economic prosperity reassured the people that they were favored by God, and this drove the engine of the Protestant Work Ethic. But it does not seem to be true in America anymore, in fact, quite the opposite. Here, the economic interests appear to set the agenda for the beliefs of the people.
kuvasz wrote:We're all Marxists now!
And not one in a thousand would undestand why they would be considered such.
Marx thought that society's economic structure determines the way people think, For Marx, who called those aspects of society's economy (the relations of production, viz., the way in which people's lives are determined by the way they make distribute, and use material goods) the infrastructure, and beliefs, including religion and the arts, the superstructure, he believed that the infrastructure determined the superstructure.
But Max Weber believed that that the superstructure determined the infrastructure. Perhaps it was once true with the rise of capitalism, where the Calvinistic beliefs and view of saving money, investing it and the resultant economic prosperity reassured the people that they were favored by God, and this drove the engine of the Protestant Work Ethic. But it does not seem to be true in America anymore, in fact, quite the opposite. Here, the economic interests appear to set the agenda for the beliefs of the people.
I do not think we are all Marxist now because a Marxist would not stand bovine like staring into the distance while the oligarchy controls the society. But generally I agree with your statement.
"Labour must, on the contrary, be performed as if it were an absolute end in itself, a calling. But such an attitude is by no means a product if nature. It cannot be evoked by low wages or high ones alone, but can only be the product of a long and arduous process of education." Max Weber "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism".
It is this ethos (the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution) that must be created and nurtured by the Matador so that the bull follows the cape rather than the Matador with its horns. Ideology is another word for ethos.