No matter the universal model one adheres to, it all comes down to two possibilities: Forever? At first thought most think this makes more sense. But as theorized by others thousands of years ago, forever makes no sense because we would never get to this point. Was there a beginning 999 trillion years ago? How about a number with 999 trillion 0's behind it? Times a trillion, times a trillion, etc. That always made sense to me, forever can't be true, because we would never get to today.
But, was there nothing? And it turned into something? Even the word nothing doesn't do justice to the concept; it seems to imply something.

Not space or dark matter or a singularity, but non-existence. It just boils down to one of two things:
Existence forever? or
Existence out of nonexistence?
Both are absolutely absurd to me! Preposterous!
But to fault Einstein for believing there was a Creator behind it all? That doesn't seem right. I've found that if you read enough of anyone's works, anyone that has produced significant works, you'll find the assumption of a Creator of the Universe as we know it, or the assumption of the absence of a Creator of it. And since a Creator would exist outside of any observable dimensions, anyone claiming to be 'searching for the Creator, if there is one', would be on an extremely silly safari.
Maybe Einstein put too much effort into the wrong hypothesis? Or maybe it was the cocaine? Maybe he was just past his prime?