(Please note: the following is much more a blatantly plagiarized adaptation of elsewhere-posted, well-known principles than an original composition, and forthrightly is acknowledged as such. That said, enjoy
- Make outrageous claims, but don't support them. Make other people prove them wrong.
- Keep repeating your claims. People will believe them eventually.
- If someone asks you specific questions about one of your claims, make up answers.
- When presented with evidence that contradicts your claims, trivialize it. Say, "ha ha! you only presented X pieces of evidence!" Hope they won't notice that you presented none.
- When caught in an error, redefine the English language to accommodate the error.
- Refuse to provide references for any claim unless at least 10 people ask for them.
- When producing your reference, assuming you have one, provide no link and only a vague citation with no page numbers or publisher information.
- By all means, do not transcribe the contents of a supporting reference on your own, even if it's only 2 sentences. Make others do your work for you. They probably won't bother.
- If somebody actually bothers to look up your reference, misrepresent it. Say it "implied" what you claimed, even if it claimed the opposite.
- When the chorus of challenges grows vigorous and/or voluminous, divert attention away from the challenges by whining about name-calling.
- Before complaining about name-calling, call your opponents names like "liar" and "history revisionist". "Bigot", "fascist", "nazi", "satanist", "atheist", "prejudiced", "close-minded", "deluded" and "ignorant" are among the list of useful favorites as well.
- Leave the discussion, come back a few months later, change the topic of discussion, and hope nobody remembers how you applied these techniques the last time you were there.
- Ignore people who provide particularly effective criticisms, so you do not have to deal with them and can plead ignorance about their comments.
- After avoiding a direct question once, with one of the above techniques, claim that you've "already answered that question" if anyone asks it again.
- In lieu of argument, refer readers to some obscure blog or website which somehow seems to support your proposition.
- When the going gets tough, start a new thread and reiterate your original assertion as fact. After a while, consolidate your threads and repeat.
- Go on (or pretend to go on) a vacation or trip. When you return, repeat all the same assertions as fact. Forget or ignore all the criticisms that were made before you left.
- When somebody asks you, weeks later, for evidence of an earlier claim, say "I already dealt with that in an earlier post.", without, of course, providing any link to same.
- Write a hit-and-run post. Claim to have disproved all your opponents' arguments and then refuse to answer anymore relevant questions or challenges.
- If someone disagrees with you, use the "Philosophy 101" argument from authority. Pretend all great philosophers and scientists have endorsed your argument, even though only a statistically insignificant number - if any - have.
- Call your opponents biased against Christianity. If someone disagrees with you, then that person obviously hates Christians.
- If absolutely, irrevocably proven wrong on some fundamental point, claim that said point was actually "minor".
- Quote your opponent out of context so it appears that he's actually agreeing with you, even though he's actually shattered your argument.
- Misquote your opponent to make it appear your opponent inadvertantly has validated your point or refuted his own proposition.
(With acknowledgement, thanks, and apologies to
Brett Vickers)