The real problem is simply that the web site allows bots to access the profile.php and posting.php, which should never be allowed on any site.
It is easy to rectify with 15 very simple lines added to the http.conf file. What amazes me is that no one has ever mentioned it before, and I really cannot believe that any real webmaster or hosted site manager would not know exactly how to go about it. Instead, you are left to inconvenience your potential new users with deciphering an image, which many will simply not be bothered with.
This particular board is so paranoid about bot posts and their subsequent spam links that they have disallowed posting of external links, and they also have filters that prevent me from actually posting the 15 http.conf lines that would essentially stop all bot activity if they were used universally on every site and hosting service. Does not say good things about their own confidence in the ability of image verification systems to prevent bot registration now, does it?

The sad thing is that their paranoia prevents me from listing the lines required here, so if you desire this information you will just have to find a way to contact me other than this board.