Acquiunk wrote:At the suburban mall theater where I saw the DVC, there was a group out front with signs claiming the movie was blasphemous. I'm all for that, Monty Python's Life of Brian is one of my favorite movies.
Blasphemous? You want blasphemous? I'll give ya blasphemous. Charleton Heston playing Moses, now
that's blasphemous.
Historically inaccurate? You want historically inaccurate? I'll give ya historically inaccurate. All the Roman soldiers in
Passion of the Christ speaking Latin, when in reality a Greek Creole was the standard vernacular, that's historically inaccurate.
You want both? Blasphemous and historically inaccurate? Ingrid Bergamn as Jeanne d'Arc, now there's something to boggle the mind, if any or at all.