Mon 8 May, 2006 02:43 am
....this whole ridiculous argument about a ceratin book and Jesus's marriage to Mary Magdelene.Apparently the film maker/book writer(cant rememebr who) is going to be sued due to the damage its soing to Christianity.
I cant understand why its not being seen as a positive thing that Jesus was married and had a child.
There's a lot more to it than that.
But I have to get ready to go to work. Perhaps more later.
I don't see how the film could "damage" christianity any more than the bible does with all it's hypocrasy and inaccuracy. I can't wait to see it... and probably have to fight through a bunch of fundies that are going to blockade theater entrances so people can't go watch the movie
I think the best way to make something less believable is to make it into a film, so really the new film is doing htem a favour.
Remember the movie "the last temptation of Christ"?
Jeez, I just thought it was a movie, but it was picketed and everything.
Yet the world kept turning
I'm not afraid to ask "what if?" and have little time for those who think you'll be struck by lightning or go to hades if you do.
I'm having trouble figuring out why people are making such a stink over this movie, but ignore what ABC did to the story of Noah. During the course of the ABC movie, Noah appeases God by whistling and dancing, and fights off pirates.
I didn't see the remake of the story of Moses they just had on recently, so I can't say anything about it, but the commercials made it look less than scripturally acurate.
Is Christianity only offended when someone suggests a turn of events involving Jesus?
tin_sword_arthur wrote:I'm having trouble figuring out why people are making such a stink over this movie, but ignore what ABC did to the story of Noah. During the course of the ABC movie, Noah appeases God by whistling and dancing, and fights off pirates.
I didn't see the remake of the story of Moses they just had on recently, so I can't say anything about it, but the commercials made it look less than scripturally acurate.
Is Christianity only offended when someone suggests a turn of events involving Jesus?
oh but tin, don't you see, noah doesn't count because he was old testament......the old testament is only paid attention to as far as the world being created in 7 days and the original sin thing.
hmmm....just wondering for a moment....those who believe in the literal they really believe noah got 2 of every type of animal that exists today on there?
Ah. My bad.
People need to just relax. Christianity has survived much worse than the movie industry. They'll make it past this, too. They just need another distraction. When's the next Exorcist coming out? :wink: Even better, I hear there's a new Omen in the works.
But again, why is it seen as a bad thing for Jesus to have been married?
I don't know. From what I understand, ALL men at that time got married. You were left with no choice in the matter.
My parents are both Christians, and I've talked with them about it. The only answer I got was that somehow, Jesus being married "undermines his purity. He was to live the perfect life, without sin, and marriage would not allow him to do that." I got no further with them than this less than clear explaination. If god created and instituted marriage, why would it be so impure for his "son" to be married?
Exactly, if he were married, sex wouldnt be a sin.
Its crazy, all crazy I tell you!!
Oh, this all passed crazy many, many years ago. Crazy is running a distant second, with more space opening up every step. Crazy got winded and had to drop back. I don't think there's a word in the english language, or any other, for that matter, to describe this.
You're right mg, it is crazy.
Like tinny, all I can get as an answer of those I've bothered to ask is that "Jesus was God and he wouldn't marry"
well, Jesus was man too....but of course then the conversation just went round and round.
along with that is "the Bible doesn't say he got married" response is....well the bible doesn't say he ever took a dump either, but I'm sure he did.
I don't see the big deal either.
If God impregnated Mary does he pay child maintenance?
How did Joseph feel about this, we never hear his side of things.
The Muslims had their cartoon indignation, now it's the Christian's turn.
As for why a married Jesus with a family is considered blasphemous material makes him all too human. People want to think of him as more god-like, more perfect, and not consider the thought of him doing the horizontal mambo.
Wrong Mary. That would the mother of Jesus you're thinking of, the wife of Joseph, Jesus' earth daddy. Mary Magdalene, the theoretical wife of Jesus, was a prostitute. Or a "sinner" of some sort, in any case.
People sure did name a lot of people Mary back then, I guess.
Apparently Mary Magdelene was NOT a prostitute.
Im assuming people like Mother Theresa and lots of other people didnt do the horizontal mamba so why arnt they as special as Jesus.