And today we are informed that according to THE END by (Yisrayl Hawkins of the House of Yahweh) the world will end on 12 September 2006. It made me wonder how come that most predictions for cataclismic events (that I know of) are/were scheduled in the fall.
I once read a booklet in which a diligent occult researcher had compounded "evidence" from the Bible and a truckload of other religious or mystical scriptures (such as the book of the dead, the Vedas, Egyptian inscriptions, Nostradamus and the writings of that eminent scientist Erich von Däniken) to arrive at the rock solid conclusion that the world would end from September 1983 thru November 1983 (starting with the then current idea of a Soviet attack). The story fit wonderfully well together and the icing on the cake was that he proved that the Dutch were indeed the lost 13th tribe of Israel and would therefore be conveniently saved by Jesus returning with a fleet of UFOs.
(I guess that would give me a fifty:fifty chance of salvation):wink:
The most amusing about it was that I found that engrossing booklet in a rummage sale in 1984