Paaskynen wrote:To my knowledge Sweden was the only country that (at least theoretically) had bomb shelter capacity for its entire population two decades ago (since then the need for shelters has seemed less urgent).
According to Wikipedia, Switzerland is the country with the highest number of nuclear shelters per head of the population. Finland is mentioned as a good second (It is true that all larger buildings like schools, shopping malls and appartment complexes have bunkers underneath them, but they vary rather a lot in quality. Those shelters are built for survival during days and weeks, not months, let alone years (Unless you would lock yourself with a very small number of people in a very big shelter. I once visited the bunker of the provincial government of Lapland in Rovaniemi. It is built deep into the granite rock, protected by two huge blast doors on a 90 degree angle, air and water filtering, etc. It has room for hundreds of people. If you lock yourself in there with only a handful, you could survive for years.)
And yes, I am ready to start with my story. Remaining details I will pick up while I'm going. My present problem (if you can call it that) is that a truly massive impact (including large scale rupture of the earth's crust) has such a low survivability ratio that my scenario becomes unrealistic. A smaller impact, would leave so much of the world "intact" that I need some secondary disasters to knock out the remaining strongholds of civilisation
, so as to make the scenario work
(An "accidental" launch of some nuclear missiles producing EMP over large areas comes to mind, but my main secondary weapons of mass extermination will be the volcanic winter and the resulting, hunger, conflict and disease.
Madeira is intended to be my final port of call. It is like Hawaii an island of volcanic origin, large and fertile enough to support the colony, with mountains that provide rain for water supply and hydro-electric power. Like the smaller islands of the Hawaii archipelago, Madeira has passed over the hot spot that created it, making it a relatively safe place to be (last eruption is estimated between 400 000 and 1 500 000 years ago). I have not read about any geothermal activity on the island.
Other elements in the story that I need to solve are of a less scientific (and more bureaucratic) nature. For example, how can one plunder the orphanages of the Pacific without arousing suspicion as to one's motives (being arrested in, say Fiji, as an alleged pedophile and held in jail while the asteroid is coming down overhead, would drastically reduce the survival chances of my protagonist
). How would I manage to get a Russian (converted) attack helicopter to my boat without any officials asking annoying questions? And more of those mundane little problems. I guess I can explain away a lot with: "money talks".