All Democrats are racist. Duh. And that's why Germans fly planes.
For those who would excoriate Ted Kennedy's son, it is well to point out that a cousin of Patrick Kennedy, Christopher, was quoted as saying: "The Kennedys have very strong genes, some good, some bad."
Of course.
It is earnestly to be desired that Patrick does not manifest the "cheating" genes of his father which caused Ted Kennedy to be unceremoniously thrown out of Harvard for cheating on a Math test.
"Cheating genes"..........such abysmal ignorance revealed in two little words.
I think I will start collecting this stuff.
You may wish to begin, Dlowan, with the fine book-"Nature Vs. Nurture" by Matt Ridley-2003- Harper Collins- subtitled- Genes, Experience and What Makes us Human."
You are aware, of course, that Patrick Kennedy's mother was a hopeless alcoholic.
You are aware, of course, of Ted Kennedy's years of overindulgence of alcohol.
You may be aware, if you have read "The Dark Side of Camelot" by Hersh of the extensive "womanizing" indulged in by Jack Kennedy.
Yes., Genes do assert themselves, and especially if they find a fertile enviromnent in which to grow!!
and this is important, why?
All womanizers crash cars. Duh. And that's why dudes write books.
It is important because it is vital to know whether our leaders or prospective leaders have deep flaws which would probably taint their attempts at serving the public they represent.
Anyone who knew about the vicious attacks made by President Nixon on Helen G. Douglas should have been wary of allowing him to gain more power.
Anyone who knew about the shameful expulsion of Ted Kennedy who paid a friend to take a Spanish Test for him at Harvard, a fact for which he was summarily expelled, should have blocked his accession to any kind of political post.
Anyone who knew that Ted Kennedy was allowed exculpation for his role in the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne through imposition of a minimum jail sentence for the crime of leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it and the immediate suspension of that sentence should not have allowed him to remain as Senator of Massachusetts.
That is why it is important.
Cover ups of flagrant illegal behavior by any person who aspires to political office cannot be tolerated by the voters.