Where Tribulation Begins

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 04:34 pm

I'm afraid I'm not following you very well.

This is how I see it:

While we are on this earth we are to tell everyone about Jesus and The Gospel. While we are on this earth we have a chance to make the decision either for God/Christ or against Him. Those that have already chosen God/Christ will be raptured and taken off the earth before the seven year tribulation. Those left behind will have a period of time to either decide to accept God/Christ or not.

None of us can save anyone, Wolfie. It's all left into our own hands. If someone hears of Christ and yet rejects Him, that is their choice.

I am sorry I am not quite following what you are getting at. Is there a different way you can put it so maybe I can understand?
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 04:50 pm
What is more important?

Accepting Christ or accepting his teachings? It is obvious that the latter is more important, although you will probably argue that accepting one is accepting the other, which is fair enough.

By allowing themselves to go up into Heaven, so-called Christians are in effect rejecting Christ by rejecting his teachings. They are leaving, allowing people to suffer on Earth, whereas Jesus would have foregone Rapture in order to do whatever he could to help those that needed it.

Furthermore, if rejecting Christ is the criteria for not being saved, then God cannot be a loving Father, can he?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 04:58 pm
For everyone to hear the message and have an opportunity to accept or reject will take a very long time, so don't fret too much, Setanta. (I would insert laughing smiley here, but you might slap me) Laughing

What about those that died before Christ?

What about the mentally ill, handicapped that will never even understand the the concept of a god?

What about children? Is there an age of accountability? What age might that be?

What about those with alzheimers or senility? If they didn't hear about Christ before, they can forget about heaven I suppose?

People still live in remote jungles and in "uncivilized" conditions - what about them? The mass murdered in Darfur that had never heard of Christ - Will they be judged?

What about people that died before Christ? Or, ... the Muslims! You're not gonna leave a buncha people down here with MUSLIMS are you?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 05:05 pm

If you are expecting me or anyone else to stay on this earth because you or they might not have made the decision to be with Christ, sorry. I'm not doing it.

Squinney, God makes provisions for those that cannot make the decision. Will the Muslims go? Not unless they accept Jesus Christ as the savior. Sorry, if people get stuck with them, it's their own decision.

Those that died before Christ only had to believe in God. And when Jesus was on the cross He went to hell and preached to those in hell and many were saved.

If someone truly has never heard of Christ and dies, they will not be condemned. God will not condemn anyone that has not heard of Him.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 05:15 pm
Why do we need to accept Christ as our saviour though? Is it not even enough to just live a life in accordance with peace/harmony/love? Would that not be the ultimate display of respect? I can never get my head around this particular part of Christianity I must admit.
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Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 05:30 pm
jin_kazama wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
Everything is not God's fault.

Certainly this is correct--in that you cannot demonstrate that any god exists, it would indeed be foolish to blame the figment of someone's imagination for anything.

Man's ignorance and arrogance is to blame.

Although the inferential evidence is strong that few members here are more familiar with ignorance and arrogance--there is absolutely no reason to assume that there is any one problem or set of problems which fatally threaten us for which each and every member of humanity is responsible.

Man is responsible for the predicament that he is currently in and the great calamity that is about to occur.

Your "predicament" is putative and undemonstrated. You provide no evidence that a "great calamity" is about to occur.

You can't escape God. He is real.

You have not demonstrated that any god exists, therefore this is mere nonsense.

Most people are unaware that everything that is going on in the world is written in plain English in the Scriptures.

The scriptures were not written in English, and there is nothing either plain nor self-evident about the language upon which you base the allegations you have made based upon your idiosyncratic exegesis.

And most of it was preventable. Most things are preventable but the problem is that people only notice after the fact. Hitler was preventable, WWI and WWII were preventabel.

These are statements from authority, without foundation or evidence, and sufficiently vague as to be meaningless, for all the wisdom you intend to assure us they contain. It is by no means certain that "Hitler was preventable." The "stab in the back myth" which was at the heart of the resentments of the German people which Hitler exploited was created by Ludendorf before the Allies had even convened the Paris Peace Conference. It is not unreasonable to suggest that the Great War was one of history's few examples of an inevitable event. Your basis for your contentions is based soley upon an allegation that the "salvation" of humanity can only arise from the acceptance of religious dogma as you retail it--and there are few notions which i could find more ridiculous.

Good Day

Firstly the argument that one has to demonstrate that something or someone exists in order for that thing or being to be is foolish. Before the New World was discovered many in the Old World were unaware of there existence. Does this mean that the continent of North America and South America did not exist until after discovery? Newton's demonstration of gravity did not put gravity into existence. Gravity was there before his demonstration and would have still been there if there was no demonstration. Cancer is present in the body before there is any demonstration or symptoms. Does this mean that a person does not have cancer if there is no demonstration or symptoms.
Your inability to see, and comprehend does not negate existence.

Secondly I am in the process of demonstrating through the Scriptures that there is a God and all that is happening and that has happened is written in the Scriptures. You all have just been repeating patterns and are in the midst of repeating the same pattern from the not so distant past. It will take some time.


Ah but these things like gravity, the new world, and cancer can be scientifically proven, while the existance of a "god" can not be. Also you say that all that is happening and has happend is written in the scriptures??...... you are freakin retarded Laughing

Good Day

This is where you are wrong. Keep reading my post and you shall soon see.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 05:43 pm

We are all sinners. As sinners, we cannot be in the same place as God. In order for us to be forgiven from our sins, we recognize the sacrifice that Jesus made by laying down His life for the forgiveness of our sins.

At least, that's what I believe the Bible says to me.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 05:56 pm
The idea that Christ died on the cross for our sins seems a little backwards to me. In life we tend to make mistakes but accepting responsibility and trying to make amends with the best of intentions constantly flowing through us should be enough for a loving god in my eyes. I do understand your point regarding sinners sharing space with God, thanks for the response MA.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 05:57 pm

You are welcome. I can only tell you that is what God says, not what I say. He is the one that laid down the rules. We decide whether to follow them or not.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 05:59 pm
Setanta wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
Firstly the argument that one has to demonstrate that something or someone exists in order for that thing or being to be is foolish.

I haven't said that this were the case. I have said that absent any demonstration on your part that a deity exists, there is no good reason to accpet your statements about said deity. You state as a fact that a god exists. You don't provide any evidence. Therefore, there is no reason to believe you.

Before the New World was discovered many in the Old World were unaware of there existence. Does this mean that the continent of North America and South America did not exist until after discovery?

Of course not. If by this you suggest that your god remains undiscovered, however, than you have to provide the evidence for the discovery to be a reality. As a matter of fact though, the ancient Greeks thought that purely for reason of symmetry and balance, there must be another continent to the west of the Atlantic--hence the Atlantis myths. Additionally, Norge such as Eric Ruddi had visited North America, and fishermen commonly landed on the continent to dry, smoke or salt their catch before returning to Europe. In the many tens of thousands of years of the existence of homo sapiens sapiens, no one has demonstrated the existence of a god, nor made the "discovery." Once again, absent any proof, there is no reason to accept statements from authority by you concerning your imaginary friend.

Newton's demonstration of gravity did not put gravity into existence. Gravity was there before his demonstration and would have still been there if there was no demonstration.

Newton did not "demonstrate" gravity. He described and qualified a known attribute of the physical world.

Cancer is present in the body before there is any demonstration or symptoms. Does this mean that a person does not have cancer if there is no demonstration or symptoms.

It is amusing to see you compare your deity to a cancerous growth, but it proves nothing. Once again, there is no reason to accept your unsupported statements.

Your inability to see, and comprehend does not negate existence.

I can comprehend the dog and pony show you're trying to peddle here--i just don't buy it. I can't "see" it because you have failed to show it. Show me your god, and i'm prepared to believe.

Secondly I am in the process of demonstrating through the Scriptures that there is a God and all that is happening and that has happened is written in the Scriptures. You all have just been repeating patterns and are in the midst of repeating the same pattern from the not so distant past. It will take some time.

It's going to take you a hell of a long time. Upon what basis should anyone either accept the scripture is definitive, or that your exegesis is correct?

Good Day

First of al Belief is not the foundation of Existence, it does not negate, and it cannot create. Your lack of physical or spiritual awareness does not nullify God's existence. The world still exists though a man may be blind. His blindness dos not mean that the world does not exist. A person who is in a vegetative state may not be able to see, touch or feel anything in this physical world, but this does not mean that the world does not exist.
The evidence is all around you. Man creates everyday but yet he thinks he was not created. That's pure arrogance. Whether you choose to perceive is your choice. Don't worry the time is coming

Now regarding Newton

Demonstrate: (vrb) transitive verb 1 : to show clearly *demonstrate a willingness to cooperate*
2 a : to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence b : to illustrate and explain especially with many examples *demonstrate a procedure* 3 : to show or prove the value or efficiency of to a prospective buyer *demonstrate a new product*
intransitive verb : to make a demonstration *crowds demonstrating for the right to vote*
synonyms see SHOW

Describe: (trans vrb) 1 : to represent or give an account of in words *describe a picture*
2 : to represent by a figure, model, or picture : DELINEATE
3 obsolete : DISTRIBUTE
4 : to trace or traverse the outline of *describe a circle*
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 06:20 pm
I used to believe all this stuff until very recently.

Then I started having trouble with the "exceptions" and how only one religion could be right and everyone else is going to hell.

If there are exceptions for those that have never heard, those that cannot decide, those that died before Christ but got a chance to decide while they were burning in hell because Christ suddenly appeared...

Might there be numerous other exceptions that start making "the only way to heaven is through acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal savior" start to sound a little... I dunno... weak?

I mean, when you start adding except for... ya kinda lose that as being the only way to heaven.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 06:46 pm
Momma wrote:
We are all sinners. As sinners, we cannot be in the same place as God. In order for us to be forgiven from our sins, we recognize the sacrifice that Jesus made by laying down His life for the forgiveness of our sins.

Momma, that makes no sense. God is love. You believe that. As such he would and should forgive us regardless of our religious beliefs. If humans can forgive people without regard for their religion what's the problem with God? You see Momma, if God can't measure up to our standards then he is beneath us. He is a false God.

If we can accept other imperfect and sinful humans and not judge them by their religious beliefs then God should do the same, without conditions. If he can't then he's a fraud and the religion that demands this belief is a fraud.

A God of perfect love and understanding will not do what we see as evil; reject, persecute, discriminate or punish someone for their belief. To say God would not forgive us for our sins for no other reason then our religious beliefs is an insult to God. It debases God as much as it would debase a human.

If someone is trying to tell you that God said this then I think they are lying to you. I think God is better than what the Bible makes him out to be. Follow your instincts. Would you, if you were God, do the same? I know I wouldn't. But then I wouldn't be killing a bunch of children because of their parents religious beliefs either.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 07:58 pm

I might agree with you if I had invented God. But I didn't create Him. He created us. He makes the rules. I just happen to have faith in Him and those rules.

I'm sure many feel God is not reasonable, but I can't do anything about that. We all have our own decision to make on this matter. But, who are we to judge what God should and shouldn't be or should or shouldn't do?
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 04:18 am
Momma Angel wrote:

If you are expecting me or anyone else to stay on this earth because you or they might not have made the decision to be with Christ, sorry. I'm not doing it.

So, you will reject Christ's teachings then?

Some other person pointed out to me that if the Rapture occurs, then by logic, everyone except those with mental defects will realise that Christ really is the Son of God and that the Christians were right. They would then accept Christ and no one would be left behind.

Those that died before Christ only had to believe in God. And when Jesus was on the cross He went to hell and preached to those in hell and many were saved.

Now where did you get that from? I don't remember ever seeing anything about that in the Bible.

If someone truly has never heard of Christ and dies, they will not be condemned. God will not condemn anyone that has not heard of Him.

But if they haven't heard of Christ, they couldn't possibly accept him.

The Rapture is illogical, a doctrine from the 1800s that has no real solid basis in the Bible.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 05:05 am
Momma wrote:
If someone truly has never heard of Christ and dies, they will not be condemned. God will not condemn anyone that has not heard of Him.

Momma wrote:
We are all sinners. As sinners, we cannot be in the same place as God. In order for us to be forgiven from our sins, we recognize the sacrifice that Jesus made by laying down His life for the forgiveness of our sins.

Let me get this straight.

If I never heard of Christ I would not be condemned.

If I heard of Christ and rejected him I would be condemned.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 07:39 am
Mindonfire wrote:
First of al Belief is not the foundation of Existence, it does not negate, and it cannot create.

I have not contended that that is so, and therefore, your response (as is the case of more than 90% of what you post here) is meaningless.

Your lack of physical or spiritual awareness does not nullify God's existence.

You have no way of knowing what i might or might not lack. Your sneer is based upon my refusal to accept your drivel, but there is absolutely no reason to accept that your silly exegesis is definitive. It is not, therefore, a basis upon which to judge whether or not one is has "physical or spiritual awareness." Demonstrate that physical awareness proves the existence of a god. Demonstrate that spiritual awareness proves the existence of a god. Before you do, you'll have to provide unambiguous definitions for physical and spiritual awareness. To date, you've provided no proofs of any of your drivel, and have provided no unambiguous terms by which any of this topic might be discussed.

The world still exists though a man may be blind.

I am not blind, therefore, this is, as is almost all of what you post, meaningless. Do you contend that those who are not physically blind can see that god exists? I am not physically blind, and i deny your thesis. If, on the other hand, you allege a spiritual blindness, you have not provided terms by which one might determine that any given individual is spiritually blind, and therefore, have no basis upon which to contend that i am spiritually blind. I assert that i am not, and yet i don't "see" your god spiritually, either. You have provided no unambiguous definitions of terms, and have provided no proof.

His blindness dos not mean that the world does not exist.

People are possessed of five physical senses--therefore, those who are physically blind have four other avenues of assuring themselves that the world exists. You have provided absolutely no basis upon which to accept your contention that a god exists, let alone that your idiotic exegesis is valid.

A person who is in a vegetative state may not be able to see, touch or feel anything in this physical world, but this does not mean that the world does not exist.

Someone in a vegetative state would not be able to read your drivel, nor to hear it if you spoke to him--so this is as meaningless as the rest of the tripe you puke up. I had never considered this aspect before, but that is what might be alleged to be a blessing of being in a vegetative state.

The evidence is all around you. Man creates everyday but yet he thinks he was not created. That's pure arrogance. Whether you choose to perceive is your choice. Don't worry the time is coming

People create from the physical world which they inhabit. You are alleging a creation by an entity unknown for which you have provided no proof, from a nothingness. Further, you assert that you personally know the mind and intentions of this entity whose existence you are unable to demonstrate. Now that's arrogance.

Now regarding Newton

Demonstrate: (vrb) transitive verb 1 : to show clearly *demonstrate a willingness to cooperate*
2 a : to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence b : to illustrate and explain especially with many examples *demonstrate a procedure* 3 : to show or prove the value or efficiency of to a prospective buyer *demonstrate a new product*
intransitive verb : to make a demonstration *crowds demonstrating for the right to vote*
synonyms see SHOW

Describe: (trans vrb) 1 : to represent or give an account of in words *describe a picture*
2 : to represent by a figure, model, or picture : DELINEATE
3 obsolete : DISTRIBUTE
4 : to trace or traverse the outline of *describe a circle*

You fondness for dictionaries is not evidence that you know of what you speak. Newton did not demonstrate gravity, nor suggest that it were not known before he qualified it. He simply provided a rational description and a name for that which was already known. Your god is not already known, it is only assumed. The evidence of our eyes will assure us of the existence of gravity. It will not assure us of the existence of your imaginary friend.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 07:40 am
You have nothing to apologize to me for, Squinney. I'm not arguing MOAN's idiotic contentions about a rapture and a great tribulation with her. If she wants to believe hateful fairy tales, i assure you that i remain indifferent to her dull-witted and exclusivist exegesis.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 10:10 am
I've just been doing some research and I came across an article on Tribulation. It appears that only a minority believe that it has not happened yet. The majority believe that the Tribulation has already happened and has come to pass.

Preterist views state that the Tribulation speaks of the time when the Romans persecuted the Jews in 70CE.

Historicist views state that the Tribulation was solely for the Jews and related to their persecution, eventual Holocaust and the final establishment of their National State.

Both views state that the Tribulation occurred and has finished.

Only the futurist view of Tribulation is talked about here in this thread and of the three, it is the most recent. It was introduced last century and is as such a modern view perpetrated, no doubt, by crackpots trying to make a big statement.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 10:56 am

No, I do not reject Christ's teachings. Those that reject Him will be left behind. It's their choice to make. We are to look after our own salvation.
And no, the Great Tribulation has not occurred, too many things have not occurred that have been told of in prophecy. There are plenty of websites, articles, books, etc., on the Rapture and the Tribulation.

Wolfie, during the Tribulation (the period in which those that have not chosen God yet or for those that have chosen against God, many will accept Him and will be taken to heaven. That just won't happen during the Rapture. But, as long as there is breath in someone, they have a chance.

Xingu, yes, but please don't try making a logical argument out of that.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 9 May, 2006 07:00 am
Momma Angel wrote:

No, I do not reject Christ's teachings. Those that reject Him will be left behind.

Exactly! Therefore, if a Christian does not stay behind to look after those who are suffering, they are rejecting his teachings or at least, they're not following his teachings.

So the non-Christians won't go up, because they don't accept Christ. The real Christians won't go up, because they accept Christ and his teachings. No one will go up. Therefore no Rapture.

It's their choice to make. We are to look after our own salvation.
And no, the Great Tribulation has not occurred, too many things have not occurred that have been told of in prophecy. There are plenty of websites, articles, books, etc., on the Rapture and the Tribulation.

What things have not occurred? If said things have not occurred, how come the majority of Christians don't share the Futurist view? How come the entire Catholic Church does not share the Futurist view?
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