Mindonfire wrote:First of al Belief is not the foundation of Existence, it does not negate, and it cannot create.
I have not contended that that is so, and therefore, your response (as is the case of more than 90% of what you post here) is meaningless.
Quote:Your lack of physical or spiritual awareness does not nullify God's existence.
You have no way of knowing what i might or might not lack. Your sneer is based upon my refusal to accept your drivel, but there is absolutely no reason to accept that your silly exegesis is definitive. It is not, therefore, a basis upon which to judge whether or not one is has "physical or spiritual awareness." Demonstrate that physical awareness proves the existence of a god. Demonstrate that spiritual awareness proves the existence of a god. Before you do, you'll have to provide unambiguous definitions for physical and spiritual awareness. To date, you've provided no proofs of any of your drivel, and have provided no unambiguous terms by which any of this topic might be discussed.
Quote:The world still exists though a man may be blind.
I am not blind, therefore, this is, as is almost all of what you post, meaningless. Do you contend that those who are not physically blind can see that god exists? I am not physically blind, and i deny your thesis. If, on the other hand, you allege a spiritual blindness, you have not provided terms by which one might determine that any given individual is spiritually blind, and therefore, have no basis upon which to contend that i am spiritually blind. I assert that i am not, and yet i don't "see" your god spiritually, either. You have provided no unambiguous definitions of terms, and have provided no proof.
Quote:His blindness dos not mean that the world does not exist.
People are possessed of five physical senses--therefore, those who are physically blind have four other avenues of assuring themselves that the world exists. You have provided absolutely no basis upon which to accept your contention that a god exists, let alone that your idiotic exegesis is valid.
Quote:A person who is in a vegetative state may not be able to see, touch or feel anything in this physical world, but this does not mean that the world does not exist.
Someone in a vegetative state would not be able to read your drivel, nor to hear it if you spoke to him--so this is as meaningless as the rest of the tripe you puke up. I had never considered this aspect before, but that is what might be alleged to be a blessing of being in a vegetative state.
Quote:The evidence is all around you. Man creates everyday but yet he thinks he was not created. That's pure arrogance. Whether you choose to perceive is your choice. Don't worry the time is coming
People create from the physical world which they inhabit. You are alleging a creation by an entity unknown for which you have provided no proof, from a nothingness. Further, you assert that you personally know the mind and intentions of this entity whose existence you are unable to demonstrate. Now
that's arrogance.
Quote:Now regarding Newton
Demonstrate: (vrb) transitive verb 1 : to show clearly *demonstrate a willingness to cooperate*
2 a : to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence b : to illustrate and explain especially with many examples *demonstrate a procedure* 3 : to show or prove the value or efficiency of to a prospective buyer *demonstrate a new product*
intransitive verb : to make a demonstration *crowds demonstrating for the right to vote*
synonyms see SHOW
Describe: (trans vrb) 1 : to represent or give an account of in words *describe a picture*
2 : to represent by a figure, model, or picture : DELINEATE
3 obsolete : DISTRIBUTE
4 : to trace or traverse the outline of *describe a circle*
You fondness for dictionaries is not evidence that you know of what you speak. Newton did not demonstrate gravity, nor suggest that it were not known before he qualified it. He simply provided a rational description and a name for that which was already known. Your god is not already known, it is only assumed. The evidence of our eyes will assure us of the existence of gravity. It will not assure us of the existence of your imaginary friend.