Mon 1 May, 2006 11:07 am
Just curiious why most Christians believe that being gay is immoral and whatnot. ??
Something about it being in the Bible. And whatnot, of course.
That would make a good slogan. "Being gay is whatnot."
(I think the Bible may have been written by some Closet Queens).
Well, they WERE awfully partial to flowing robes...
and open toed shoes...
and long hair....
And youll notice all those books start off with the people who begat this one who begat the other who begat yet another and so on and it's all these men. Where was the mention of the women? I think Freud would be able to tell us something about this.
Actually this is kinda interesting. I've just been attempting to read through a New Scientist special on love. The most difficult part of it was the Love ads, you know those advertisements for romance.
I just can't understand some of the abbreviations. Something about GSOH and WLTM and liking IKEA...
Anyway, apart from that it talked about homophily and its role in attraction. In other words, we are attracted to people who most resemble us. The opposite gender doesn't really resemble us that much in thought, which could lead to some pretty bad relationship troubles i.e. nagging, slothness-ness, putting things off etc.
Being attracted to the same gender should be the best option. Yet it isn't.
In fact, homophily is reversed in homosexuals. The most stable gay couples (and I'm including lesbian couples in that term) apparently tend to be different, whereas it's the other way round in stable heterosexual couples.
Anyway, according to homophily, homosexuality should be very, very good. But in reality, it's only practised personality-wise amongst straight couples and gender-wise by homosexual couples.
Re: Why is being gay "wrong" ?
USAFHokie80 wrote:Just curiious why most Christians believe that being gay is immoral and whatnot. ??
Read this.
I always thought it was becuase god told xtians to 'go forth and multiply' and if your gay you arent multiplying are you?
Coz Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.Jesus's boyfriend probably got jealous.
If 1 in 8 people are gay it but one of the disciples in the running!
Its not wrong, just Bible readers are so brainwashed and stuck in their ways, people think that anything enjoyable is a sin and doing something thats enjoyable and different is even more of a sin and doing something different and not for any purpose other than pleasure is a revolting bigger sin.
Lol. Possisbly.
they dont really seem to be fun loving types at times, do they?
The Pentacle Queen wrote:I always thought it was becuase god told xtians to 'go forth and multiply' and if your gay you arent multiplying are you?
Speaking for myself, I never have been that good at math...
The use of the word wrong would indicate a judgement. It doesn't seem like it is a good choice of words. The bible says judge not.
People who want to follow Christ's example probably would not want to do something that the scripture tends to say is not well liked by God.
This is what IMO is causing some of the controversy in the church, because there are those who say that because Christ died for our sins then we can be accepting of sin. The bible says this is not true. We can be accepting and forgiving of sinners because we are all sinners. The bible says we don't have a license to sin.
There's a church in cleveland ohio I think that accepts gays and whatever goes with it
It's because most churches are still living in the 1st century.
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
I just can't understand some of the abbreviations. Something about GSOH and WLTM and liking IKEA...
GSOH - Good Sense of Humor
WLTM - Would lile to meet
And if they say they like IKEA - I will never respond to their ads
the prince wrote:And if they say they like IKEA - I will never respond to their ads
Finally! Somebody said something about it!
you're missing the obvious answer.... you can't put a shitty condom in a bedside wastebasket... stinks up the room..... just ask Martha Stewart about it....
blueveinedthrobber- your username is disguisting.
as are shitty condoms.
as are used condoms in general.
when not used by me.
or when used by deformed people with massive growths.
how politically inccorect.
I fully agree with gays (I Might even be bisexual! who knows!), but i still think-there is no getting past the fact the bible sees it as 'not correct' or 'wrong' or whatever.
How do they, as christians with conciences, but still gay, get past this?
The Pentacle Queen wrote:How do they, as christians with conciences, but still gay, get past this?
It can be summed up in one rather strange phrase:
Love the sinner but hate the sin.