Fri 21 Apr, 2006 05:54 am
And it isn't simply general dimming.
Some wavelengths are affected more than others I gather and I've read these are important for plants.
I cannot for the life of me imagine why you think this topic belongs in Philosophy and Debate. You might find
this thread to be interesting, however, and it is placed in Wilderness, Wildlife & Ecology.
Yeah, should be in Science & Math
I saw that doco here about a year ago (assuming it's the same one).
Am I the only one that thinks changes in the earth's climate are inevitable, and that the human cause is no worse than what the trees did with all that oxygen they produced? I am, aren't I. Fair enough.
You are right that this particular message might be more suitable for a different forum. However, I ask your indulgence because I post often on this forum and this is in line with my general thesis that philosophy is part of everything we do and that we who are interested in philosophy need to carry our frame of mind into our daily activities.