I am afraid that my response will require me to quote you quoting me - which can be very tedious.
Doktor S wrote:Quote:Actually teaching is that Our Blessed Lady is 'lower ranking' if you like than Christ Himself.
Yes exactly, all polytheistic pantheons have heirachies.
Ok, let us look at this word: polytheistic.It comes for the greek
poly meaning many, and
theoi meaning gods. So it literaly means
many gods
Nicene Creed, written in the 4th century AD; in an attempt to unify the Christian Church under Emperor Constontine, clearly states, as its opening statement: "I believe in one God"
is indeed a hierarchy, but not a hierarchy of gods! There is only one God.
Doktor S wrote:Quote:Our Lady is seen as the moon, merely reflecting the light of the sun, her Son.
How very pagan.
It's an analogy. Probably used for the primative uneducated people. The point of it, is to show us that, she does not give us graces by herself. But God gives us graces through her. Indeed, one of her many titles is:
Mediatrix of All Graces
Doktor S wrote:I was actually refering to catholic mary/saint worship, as you exemplified with your opening post.
Trinitarian god is polytheism too, but I was refering to the wider pantheon of catholic polytheism in general.
We do not 'worship' Our Lady and the Saints as i have already explained.
The saints, who lived upon earth - had to go through life, just the same as us. The only thing is they did it well. They made use of the opportunities given to them. they were not chosen at birth.
I presume you are familiar with the concept of Original Sin. the saints were not born free from it. Even the Angels were tested and many fell through the sin of pride. one exeption is Our Blessed Lady, Who was born free from original sin. However, She still lived with the temptations of the earth.
"The four and twenty ancients fell down before him that sitteth on the throne and adored him that liveth for ever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne" -- Apocolypse (or Revelation) 4:10
This passage shows Saints, praying to God.