how to control population

Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 10:46 am
what is the best remedy to control population?

"if you think population is a problem, kill yourself"
do you agree to this? support your answer with reasonable points
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 4,354 • Replies: 61
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 11:12 am
Possibly having a child limit, like China does. However there is no mean that can control big population growth sucesfulyy.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 11:37 am
How 'bout an annual performance review. If you didn't accomplish anything amazing, out you go.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 04:28 pm
Ellinas wrote:
Possibly having a child limit, like China does. However there is no mean that can control big population growth sucesfulyy.

oh ellinas, I'm sorry, nothing against you personally (haven't gotten to know you), but you really hit a nerve with me with the limiting children like in China suggestion.

I'm not going to get on my soap box, but just read for youself how not only has that failed to control population growth, but has caused the death, many times horrible deaths, of countless innocent children. What is being done to these children is one of the most extreme human rights violations I have ever heard of.

shin - some would argue there is no population growth problem.

I don't say that, but obviously not all areas of the world has a population growth problems.

It would seem to me one would need to really understand the culture of each society that is experiencing a population problem. I can only speak of the US, since it's the only place I've ever lived.

I know there are many reasons people have too many children, but in my opinion, in this day and age, in many areas it is simply expected that if you are a woman, you want to have children. I think a pretty good dent could be made in the issue if the population as a whole would accept that not every person wants children. For those who say we in this country do accept that....I can say from personal experience that during the years I would have been expected to have children (let's say 20 - 40) when the subject of having children came up I'd say at least 90% of the response from woman finding out I was childless by choice stay in the range of "Oh but if you had one, you'd want one" to "Well, I thought that way before I had a baby, but...." to an uncomforatable silence, followed by "oh, well that OK"

Therefore....in other countries where population is a problem, perhaps one needs to find out what is the root cause emotionally, culturally in having babies. I understand in one place where population is a problem, women are looked down upon by their neighbors if they have less than 4 children.
In many places children = wealth, labor, a show of the man's prowess. It would be interesting to discuss what could be done to address these issues.

Any ideas?
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ebrown p
Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 04:51 pm
Education, prosperity and rights for women all are factors that lower the birth rate. What's wrong with these things?

I think, although I don't have a link for it right now, that the world population rate of growth is slowing down now. Does anyone want to confirm or contradict this with real data?

Easy, reliable birth control and sex education seem to be obvious ways to lower population growth.
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Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 05:23 am
If you think its a problem kill all the women :-D (kidin)
Well, if you take the condition of india.....
I remember studying in my secondary school, that population explosion is one of the biggest problems, once i look back.... I feel that population is not the problem, Something else is the real problem,
We have 100crore+ population, which indiectly means 200crore+ hands,legs and more than that that many number of brains and human-machines, which can literally do anything and everything. The only thing is we need to mould or search for a mechanism which can produce songs and music and .... whatever you want...!
I strongly support the argument which says, population is not the problem!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 05:32 am
chai tea--
well, i do agree to your point that the cultural and religious factors that vary to high degrees is one of the factors deciding the population of a geographical area. so, as you said, the population is not growing not very fast in all parts of the world.
but all of us know about the concept of 'global village', 'world empire' and 'world economy'. basically what will happen if these things are going to be practical is that all human societies would lose theri identities (such as nationalities and so on). if (at all) such a situation becomes reality in the future, people would be better educated, indigenous culture and traditions would be commanding no more great respect (as it do today). so what i am trying to point out is that, its just a mere assumption (may be u can call it so or a utopian concept!), IF such a situation comes into reality, it can solve the cultural and societal blocks in reducing controllin population.
,,,,,.....err......plz reply!!

Education, prosperity and rights for women all are factors that lower the birth rate. What's wrong with these things?

I think, although I don't have a link for it right now, that the world population rate of growth is slowing down now. Does anyone want to confirm or contradict this with real data?

Easy, reliable birth control and sex education seem to be obvious ways to lower population growth.

all that you have said do make sense and i think all of them (measures) are on practice in almost all the countries facing population explosion problem (esp. India and China). well, but there are limitations to these measures, since there are many psychic gratifications which people (both men and women) want to fulfil. also, as 'chai tea' pointed out, cultural factors too, reduce the effectiveness of these measures.
Therefore....in other countries where population is a problem, perhaps one needs to find out what is the root cause emotionally, culturally in having babies. I understand in one place where population is a problem, women are looked down upon by their neighbors if they have less than 4 children.
In many places children = wealth, labor, a show of the man's prowess. It would be interesting to discuss what could be done to address these issues.
but i agree to the measures that you pointed out are effective indeed.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 05:36 am
a mechanism which can produce songs and music and .... whatever you want...!

can you please make what do you really mean by the following words:
songs and music
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 05:49 am

many psychic gratifications which people (both men and women) want to fulfil

You mean "sex", right?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 06:00 am
ebrown_p wrote:

many psychic gratifications which people (both men and women) want to fulfil

You mean "sex", right?

need not exaclty be 'only sex'. it can be the desire to be a mother or a father and so on and on.....you know.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 06:07 am
The best way to control population? Make everyone a homosexual. That should do the trick... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 07:31 am
shin wrote:
well, i do agree to your point that the cultural and religious factors that vary to high degrees is one of the factors deciding the population of a geographical area. so, as you said, the population is not growing not very fast in all parts of the world.
but all of us know about the concept of 'global village', 'world empire' and 'world economy'. basically what will happen if these things are going to be practical is that all human societies would lose theri identities (such as nationalities and so on). if (at all) such a situation becomes reality in the future, people would be better educated, indigenous culture and traditions would be commanding no more great respect (as it do today). so what i am trying to point out is that, its just a mere assumption (may be u can call it so or a utopian concept!), IF such a situation comes into reality, it can solve the cultural and societal blocks in reducing controllin population.
,,,,,.....err......plz reply!!

When you speak of the world becoming a "global village, world empire" I shuddered at the thought.

Actually, I don't know much about the concept at all...but it certainly does not sound like utopia to me.

Wouldn't that mean all the beautiful cultural differences that give individuals their identity and pride of belonging to thier 'family' would be diluted to some perhaps nutritionally sound but bland and boring drink?

Why would one travel and explore? Everything would be the same.

People need their self identities in being part of a culture...it's their collective soul.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 07:49 am
Chai Tea wrote:
Ellinas wrote:
Possibly having a child limit, like China does. However there is no mean that can control big population growth sucesfulyy.

oh ellinas, I'm sorry, nothing against you personally (haven't gotten to know you), but you really hit a nerve with me with the limiting children like in China suggestion.

Did you got what I said? I didn't suggest to kill the children that pass the population limit, but to place a "children per family" limit. The families who will not follow it will possobly have to face a fine.

Your country USA has not such a problem, but I believe you can imagine the situation in China, a country about the size of yours, but with nearly 2 million people and quickly growing population. What should be done??

My country has exactly the opposite problem a low birthrate and big percentage of old population. The goverment here needs to do the opposite than China, to give real induces to people to have more children, but our goverment is run by profit thirsty cretins. However I can understand the creator of the thread, who comes from a country which has reason to consider big population growth a problem.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 10:23 am
Chai Tea wrote:
Wouldn't that mean all the beautiful cultural differences that give individuals their identity and pride of belonging to thier 'family' would be diluted to some perhaps nutritionally sound but bland and boring drink?

Why would one travel and explore? Everything would be the same.

People need their self identities in being part of a culture...it's their collective soul.

You mean like in the USA? Certainly, the cultures are similar, but each different state retains something of a culture that is different to another state. That's a bit off-topic, though.

Chai, I understand what you talk about, but this isn't overpopulation in certain countries we're talking about. It is general overpopulation. This world cannot support over 6 billion human beings, regardless of where they're situated.

It isn't just natural resources. It's also the pollution they produce. A population that's too large will produce too much pollution or environmental damage during the act of providing the resources needed to support such a population.

Redistributing the population won't do a thing. It won't take pressure off the world.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 11:47 am
Ellinas wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
Ellinas wrote:
Possibly having a child limit, like China does. However there is no mean that can control big population growth sucesfulyy.

oh ellinas, I'm sorry, nothing against you personally (haven't gotten to know you), but you really hit a nerve with me with the limiting children like in China suggestion.

Did you got what I said? I didn't suggest to kill the children that pass the population limit, but to place a "children per family" limit. The families who will not follow it will possobly have to face a fine.

Your country USA has not such a problem, but I believe you can imagine the situation in China, a country about the size of yours, but with nearly 2 million people and quickly growing population. What should be done??

My country has exactly the opposite problem a low birthrate and big percentage of old population. The goverment here needs to do the opposite than China, to give real induces to people to have more children, but our goverment is run by profit thirsty cretins. However I can understand the creator of the thread, who comes from a country which has reason to consider big population growth a problem.

Ellinas - I suppose in a perfect world, a mandate would come down to the people that they could only have one child, and everyone would just follow like sheep....unfortunately, humans have this horrible tendancy to want to decide how to live their own life.

Before we discuss a one child policy and how well it would work....please read the following link.....


It is quite long, and I don't expect someone to read every word, but you must at least give this its due by scanning through and carefully reading certain parts.

In this link below it states that 15 million girls have "disappeared" since China has implemented it's one-child policy in 1979 to the time this particular piece was written in 1995. I wonder how many more since then?

Dying Rooms - Holocaust for Little Girls

Ellinas - it's obvious that this is not a "policy" it is coercion. A fine is not going to stop people from having children. Some statistics say the #'s are going down, but at what cost?

This wouldn't happen in other countries you say? Think again.

Again, I can't discuss this until you read. Otherwise, you'll still think a fine for having an extra child is the way to go.

Wolf, I'm not sure if this discussion is about general overpopulation. If a country, like Greece or Italy, doesn't have a population problem, it doesn't. Shouldn't efforts be made where the people live?

I'm not going to clean my whole house if only my bathroom is messy.
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Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 11:49 am
leagalize cannibalism
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Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 11:50 am
Oh - BTW- I watched that documtary refered to in my second link...It was the most horrible thing I ever saw, what they showed toward the end, bar none.

I couldn't sleep that night for sure.

And all for the sin of being born
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 12:06 pm
The solution to the "population explosion" has already revealed itself. It involves nothing more than the development of a modern economy. The fact is that current demographic projections (not exceedingly accurate, though) project that the earth's population may peak in the coming century.

Female fertility in China is well below that in the U.S. and we are only slightly above the level required for population equilibrium. Throughout Europe female fertility is about 25% below the level required for equilibrium - and it is still falling. In the Moslem world fertility is still high, but it has fallen fast over the past decade as economic developmnent has spread. The same is true in South and Central America, and I expect we will soon see the same phenomenon reveal itself in India. Africa is a different story, because of political instability, poverty, and disease. However, even there, the same trends reveal themselves in the data for the more developed countries.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 12:13 pm
Good points george....do you have any links to this data?

I'd be really interested in reading.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2006 12:16 pm
Chai Tea wrote:

Ellinas - I suppose in a perfect world, a mandate would come down to the people that they could only have one child, and everyone would just follow like sheep....unfortunately, humans have this horrible tendancy to want to decide how to live their own life.

Before we discuss a one child policy and how well it would work....please read the following link.....


It is quite long, and I don't expect someone to read every word, but you must at least give this its due by scanning through and carefully reading certain parts.

In this link below it states that 15 million girls have "disappeared" since China has implemented it's one-child policy in 1979 to the time this particular piece was written in 1995. I wonder how many more since then?

Dying Rooms - Holocaust for Little Girls

Ellinas - it's obvious that this is not a "policy" it is coercion. A fine is not going to stop people from having children. Some statistics say the #'s are going down, but at what cost?

This wouldn't happen in other countries you say? Think again.

Again, I can't discuss this until you read. Otherwise, you'll still think a fine for having an extra child is the way to go.

Wolf, I'm not sure if this discussion is about general overpopulation. If a country, like Greece or Italy, doesn't have a population problem, it doesn't. Shouldn't efforts be made where the people live?

I'm not going to clean my whole house if only my bathroom is messy.

Thanks for the links, I will have a look.

I haven't read yet, but as I notice the first website is govermental. The ones who bombed Serbia and Iraq the way we all know are complaining about human rights violations Rolling Eyes ? In this case they have to face the growing economy China, so they must find an excuse to categorise them...
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