Ellinas wrote:Possibly having a child limit, like China does. However there is no mean that can control big population growth sucesfulyy.
oh ellinas, I'm sorry, nothing against you personally (haven't gotten to know you), but you really hit a nerve with me with the limiting children like in China suggestion.
I'm not going to get on my soap box, but just read for youself how not only has that failed to control population growth, but has caused the death, many times horrible deaths, of countless innocent children. What is being done to these children is one of the most extreme human rights violations I have ever heard of.
shin - some would argue there is no population growth problem.
I don't say that, but obviously not all areas of the world has a population growth problems.
It would seem to me one would need to really understand the culture of each society that is experiencing a population problem. I can only speak of the US, since it's the only place I've ever lived.
I know there are many reasons people have too many children, but in my opinion, in this day and age, in many areas it is simply expected that if you are a woman, you want to have children. I think a pretty good dent could be made in the issue if the population as a whole would accept that not every person wants children. For those who say we in this country do accept that....I can say from personal experience that during the years I would have been expected to have children (let's say 20 - 40) when the subject of having children came up I'd say at least 90% of the response from woman finding out I was childless by choice stay in the range of "Oh but if you had one, you'd want one" to "Well, I thought that way before I had a baby, but...." to an uncomforatable silence, followed by "oh, well that OK"
Therefore....in other countries where population is a problem, perhaps one needs to find out what is the root cause emotionally, culturally in having babies. I understand in one place where population is a problem, women are looked down upon by their neighbors if they have less than 4 children.
In many places children = wealth, labor, a show of the man's prowess. It would be interesting to discuss what could be done to address these issues.
Any ideas?