Tue 6 May, 2003 10:03 pm
I am having trouble getting my java plug-in to work. The reason i need it is to use the geocities page editor which is a java applet. So i went to the java site, tried to download an update, but it said i needed the new windows update.
So i downloaded that. Went back to the java website and downloaded the java plugin.
The java things on their site work now but when i go to geocities and try and load my page builder, it has still has errors. I've looked at the geocities help pages, but no luck.
Any suggestions on how to fix this? I'm using windows xp if that helps.
Did you double-check that Java, JavaScript and Style Sheets are enabled in your browser? Maybe you've seen this page already, but it mentions an "early access version" of a new Java plugin just for XP users:
Good luck!
maybe your applet is not loading properly? PM me the link.
Re: JAVA troubles
Quote:<..> it has still has errors.
What are the error messages?
I went to that page and it says I have to have Sun Java installed or Java VM installed. And I went to the options in IE to make sure I had the allow java scripts checked, and i did.
But just in case, i went to the microsoft java VM website, and it says they are discontinuing Java VM because of legal trouble with Sun. So i have all the right stuff installed.
Craven: i sent you the pm
satt: below the would-be java button to load the applet it says, i dont have java installed or I need to turn it on. Its installed and its turned on. I wish I knew why my comp is doing this.
It may depend on the version of the JRE which you download. Try the version 1.4.1_02 (for Windows).
I goy your PMs, I need a little clarification. Are you trying to place a java applet in a web page or is the online page editor that you want to use malfunctoning because it uses an applet?
BTW Java and Javascript are different.
I am trying to use the online page editor but it is malfuntioning because its an applet.
Does your java plag-in work smoothly, for example, on
this page ("LATEST" part), or does it show some other messages?