I think that was the most clever insult ever to come my way.
Thank you.
Tell me, do you favor your maternal or paternal lineage.
Frank-you took it the wrong way. I was not getting an Amen to your last sentence, but your sentence that began with "But".
Trust me, if I ever come up with anything clever , Im usually more surprised than the other person.
I hope I favor my paternal side, my maternal side has waay too many lawyers.
Well at very least, you have the most clever avatar on the site -- and the one I enjoy looking at the most. Reminds me of someone from way back in my life -- but I'd better not get into that.
New Haven- Who knows? Did you ever look at something, and perceive it a certain way? Then you look it it again some time later, and realized that it wasn't what you thought at all???
Phoenix32890 wrote:FrankApisa- Funny that you should mention Farmerman's avatar. Until my husband explained to me what it was, I perceived it as some sort of weird crab! 
Don't know for sure what your husband told you it was -- and I'm not sure what it is either (I suspect the zombied skull of a saber toothed tiger or mastedon) -- but whatever it is, I sure as hell don't ever want to confront it in a dream.
Frank Apisa- He said that it was the skull of a saber toothed tiger !
yikes and all this time i thought it was my ex-mother-in-law.
Im a SMilodon (a dead one) that if the genuf of all uf Fabre Toofs. We all died off from Fevere overbite.
Somebody started a link like 'ode to the avatar" in which I, introduce my avatar by a bit o poetry.
Farmerman, that reminds me of the great line in a Lugosi movie. "Vimen do not find me very atrak-a-tive".