We've wandered a bit here, makes me relate to Moses and his merry band, so here's where I am. The answer to the question as asked is yes. Anything is possible.
Of course, there's more.
I don't think this is the thread to argue the history of religion but since we had wandered there.
Our brains are wired to speak to us. I'm sure you hear yourself several times a day, so did early humans and it must have freaked them out, but they
listened and, (we know about these things because Eskimo shamans can still do this) the
inner voices could tell them things
that they could not know in any other way. Where there was food, where would the caribou travel, what the weather would be. Critical information because the wrong information could mean death from starvation or freezing in a blizzard. Ancient man did this same thing, 100,000 years ago, talking with his brain.
Now was this God?? Um, nope, it was his brain going back over all the signs, the clouds, the winds, the way the light looked at sunset and the inner voice would speak and when they came to the valley, there the herd would be. (Kind of makes you wonder why we don't listen more and get more caribou, doesn't it?)
Religion got going from people trying to
thank their inner voices, but for about 100,000 years
it was an internal thing ... religion, worship, liturgy, the organized kind, not the inner kind, got going about two hundred miles from where the US Marines are presently headquartered, by then, 11,000 years bce, villages were becoming cities and the smart folks who were running things had a brilliant idea.
They told the other folks that the inner voice was really from
outside, it was above them, outside of them, and (here was the best part) only the really smart, leader types and especially the leader's helper (the bishop, the shaman, the medicine man) could hear the right voice. Pretty good deal for them. And it has existed like that, or nearly like that, for the next 9000 years.
And for the most part it's been a good thing for individuals and a lousy way to run a government. Religious leaders always seemed to be hearing voices telling them all about who to conquer instead of who to love, and even after Jesus and Mohammed tried to get things straightened out, (render unto Caesar ....)the folks running the religions still didn't get it. In the west, they tried to stop the progress of science, (no operations, no blood transfusions, no vaccines, no earth orbit etc) luckily western kings ignored their princes of scripture. The middle east didn't do so well, the mullahs were able to hold the greatest scientific engine on earth (algebra, trig, geometry, chemistry, hydrology) to a ninth century standstill. They heard the voices differently and that was that.
There are other examples from everywhere, the Incas, the ancient isle of Japan, the official voices kept hearing officially about tabus the people didn't hear, didn't matter. Today, this is embodied in the discouragement of stem cell research. I had hoped our king would ignore the princes of scripture but .......
I don't believe religion can exist outside of a single individual,
the inner voice one hears exists only for the one hearing it
and the moment someone says
"Hey, guess what my voice is saying.?"
the voice gets distorted by all of the particular individual's burdens.
So I have had really wonderful revelations,
I have had moving,
life changing, mYstIcAl experiences,
just like they did 100,000 years ago
but that wasn't a God speaking to me, it was me.
Sometimes I can write a poem that truly speaks my inner voice.
And people say
Yeah, I hear that too.
and my inner voice smiles and goes to take a nap.