The Pentacle Queen wrote:I think i'm still gonna go with the age-old argument, if god can do anything, then all the sin is completely unnecessary.
Is there anything God can't do?
You probably expect a "no" in answer to this question. But, in reality, there are some things that God cannot do. He could never tell a lie, He cannot go back on His word, He cannot be evil, or lust after the things of the world. God cannot go against His nature. His nature consists of all that is pure, righteous, holy and just. Anything outside of those parameters, God cannot do.
The things that He can do should be the focus of this question. He can forgive sins, He can love the unlovable and He can grant eternal life to those who believe in Him. That is a miraculous God!
And the word miraculous is the key. It shows the utmost of pride to claim that our finite human brains are able to totally comprehend the infinite.
Is it possible to measure or totally explain love, forgiveness or faith???
No, these things are beyond our ability to fully grasp, yet many of you
sound like you have all the answers, namely by trusting in yourselves
and your limited powers of understanding to explain or demand full
Mesquite, it is not my purpose to be rude with this, but I truly believe the Almighty is due a certain degree of respect, after all, as Creator He definitely knows more than we do and He does love us and reaches out
to us through His Son. Your comment yesterday just really caught me
at a bad time, but I wrote what I had to.
ps- In order to avoid your disrespect, I think I'll pass on your link.