Mon 5 May, 2003 06:26 pm
Where is a good place to create a good personal web page for free?
Craven, DivaDen, and I as well as a few other abuzz/a2kers have our free sites set up at msn.
I was using Homestead and I think they still have a 'lite' mode for free. I still have a resume sort of thing on, they seem to have ridden out the meltdown in 2001 without any problems.
MSN is ok, other place have all the pop-up adds. I think you can even get one from Lycos. Then you might even pay a few bucks for a few megs if you do not mind having your own .com(domain).
Been some off-line discussion on that opportunity.
interested in that? is pretty good and seems to be reliable. At first glance it looks to be for women only but there are guys there too.
if you're looking for a place to host a blog, is terrific. You just need a current member to invite you for a free account. If anyone wants one, let me know.
MSN is the best place for the absolute newbie. I don't recommend it because it limits you severely. /within a few weeks at MSN I was already making pages and hosting them elsewhere (on the Realm, my first site, all the pages that Iliked were hosted elsewhere).
The most common is Geocities, they are pretty good, easy and all.
Tripod is a good one. Tripod UK is the best free one (in terms of features, it's one of the only free ones with daabases).
Thanks for everyone's input. I am going to play around with making a personal website.
Phoenix - please let me see it later.
I'd like to see it as well.
Topcities aren't too bad - they have FTP access, an online file uploader and page builder. I don't know how good the page builder is as I upload all my pages. The only thing is, you have their banner at the top of every page which can look pretty ugly.
Brinkster seem to be pretty good too. But I wouldn't reccomend that if you're just starting out though.