Tue 4 Apr, 2006 04:51 pm
This story is very interesting but terribly wrong.
What Would Jesus Do Without Scientists?
Scientists are trying to take away the effectiveness of Jesus' miracles. This is wrong and is one of their efforts to support atheism or agnosticism.
chr, welcome to A2K. I just read that item, and am always fascinated with how scientists try to explain everything away. I suppose it's to be expected.
This explanation is trying to take away the miraclous aspect of the story. That is wrong. How do they know Jesus didn't walk on the water versus the ice? They don't and they are just being atheistic in their findings.
Well, my friend, we will never know, right? I don't believe that it's wrong, just predictable.
If you consider that Jesus was a man and a God, like the pagan religions, then what they're doing is resonable.
He was a man who performed miracles, though.
Well, K.C. Where have you been?
chr, we're not trying to undermine your belief, we, as do the scientists, simply try and fathom it.
Hi Letty! I have been around, but things have been busy lately. I changed jobs and no longer have the good part of eight hours a day to screw around on the internet.
Life. Whatcha gonna do?
Hi chr. Enjoy your A2K experience.
Be careful though. I heard that Satan and his minions hang out here a lot.
We do miss our Italian stallion, K.C.
Evil takes many forms, and when it turns out to be someone in white, we have to do a rethink, right?
chr, the miracle of birth is still with us, my friend. No one can deny that.
What if science proved a miracle attributed to Jesus was true?
What if doing so make all of the skeptics fall to their knees in praise of Jesus?
Would you still suggest that scientist are in support of atheism?
Many scientist are Christian.
And Jewish.
And Hindu.
And Muslim, and Buddist and so on and so on and so on and so on.
The fact that these scientist start with the presumption that Jesus existed and that he walked on some kind of water should serve to remind you that scientist are not monsters.
"... take away the effectiveness of Jesus' miracles..."
i for one believe that if jesus can walk on floating chunks of ice and make it look easy, that is a miracle in itself.
on the other hand saying that jesus was in that place during the only 2 days in 1000 years that the phenominon could have occured is a bit of a stretch, not to mention the did not mention the disciple getting hypothermia or anything. :wink:
Well, if he could walk on water, he could certainly walk on ice.
If thats science I'm the Dali Lama.
He did preform miracles, but I do not believe he walked on water.
(Quran 5:110)
what is the islamic take on jesus anyways? is he just a prophet? also i do suppose that it depends which holy book you are dealing with when it comes to jesus walking on water....or actually when it comes to jesus period
It might enlighten you to canvass the possibility that there are no "holy books," and that the religiously perfervid are commonly sold a bill of goods, to the profit of religious leaders.
The depth of credulity of the religiously obsessed, however, ought never be doubted.
I heard one time Jesus consumed 12 White Castle burgers in one sitting(must have been hammered off the wine), and didn't break into a violent vomiting fit.
If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is.
I have a question. If so many are so convinced that there is no God or no Jesus Christ why do they try so hard to prove that? The phrase "I think they doth protest too much" comes to mind.
If you don't believe, fine, don't believe. But what is your motive for trying to get believers to not believe, assuming that is what some are doing.
I don't get it.