DrewDad wrote:Lash wrote:This is a boon for the GOP.
More like a boon for the American people in general. And Texans in particular.
It is a boon for the GOP. Pelosi and Reid made every effort to squeeze out a few last drops of their Culture of Corruption rant during their comments on The Hammer's retirement. As much as it had to pain the little ratter that he was conceding a fight, I suspect he took solace in the fact that he deprived the Dems of a political advantage.
To some extent it is a boon for the American people in general in the sense that it clears from the decks a nasty piece of political work, however Delay was but one of many of his kind (Repub and Dem alike) in DC, and his demise is not much more significant then ridding a roach infested apartment of one of its largest oily bugs.
On the other hand, to the extent that he was uniquely effective in ramming conservative agenda items into law, his departure has a detrimental effect on the country.
As for his exit being particulary positive for Texans, that's simply ridiculous. Texans throughout the state have benefited from Delay being a major force in Washington, just as the citizens of any state that sends a representive to Washington who is able to achieve major influence and status. Texas Liberals (as small and sorry a lot as they may be) are probably rejoicing, but they need to accept the fact that no matter how many Texan Republicans are dethroned, they will always, in the minds of the Blue State Liberals, be lumped into the great throng of Redneck Rightwingers that their Coastal cousins are convinced reside with the Lone Star State.
I suspect you will not agree, but I believe the American people, in general, will benefit from the retirement of Senators Byrd, Kennedy, and Reid. I don't for a minute, however, contend that the citizens of West Virginia, Massachusetts, and Nevada will.
The typical Liberal (outside the DC Beltway) reaction to Delay's passing is "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead!" which is evidence of the fact that they are at best hypocrites, and at worse incapable of logical thought. For a group that abhors the notions of Black vs White, or that their is not a redeemable aspect of even the most heinous of criminals, it is amusing how absolute their regard is for those whom they deem to be political
Bad Guys.