Eorl wrote:real life wrote:
The reason for this is that, like it or not, abortion IS a black and white issue. There are no half abortions.
The child either lives or dies.
No, you pretend it's a black and white issue by jumping past the important question....is it a "child" and then ranting about the rights of children.
You assume the answer is obviously yes, and therefore all human rights status is automatically granted from conception.
Those of us who don't see it as a black and white issue do so because we see the answer to the question "is it a child" as "grey".
Whether one sees the unborn as a child or not, abortion is an all-or-nothing proposition.
There are no half abortions. Either the unborn (person or not) is wiped out, or not.
There is no grey as to timing. You either have a time/date set after which abortion is allowed/disallowed or you have none.
If we say that abortion after viability is to be disallowed, for instance, then you must have a precise legal definition of when that viability begins. You must choose a date. And you must determine how that date is arrived at. ( X days after last menstrual period? What if the woman doesn't know when it was? The unborn must measure X cm long? What if he is just naturally small?)
Then the logical question is "Do you seriously think that the day before your artificially chosen date that none of these are truly viable?"
"Or how about two days before? Are we certain that there is no viability then?"
"Three days? How sure are you that there is no viability three days before your date?"
And so on.
No matter what view you take, abortion knows no half measures.
So if you are not sure when life begins (you're in good company because a huge majority describe this as their position) and when the unborn becomes a person , then doesn't it make sense to give the benefit of the doubt to life? Isn't the most prudent course to protect life and guard against recklessly destroying a life whenever possible?
If we are to err, then shouldn't we choose to err on the side on caution, not on the side of disregard and death?
Because there is no undoing an abortion. It's black and white.