I can't agree with that at all.
A true philosopher would have been much too contended to go strutting around in polished jackboots taking the adulations of a desperate crowd of losers.
I reckon the existence of "mein kampf" demonstrates that the jack boots and iconoclasty were a means to achieving a philosophical end rather an end in themselves.
Just because your philosophy is rubbish doesn't mean you aren't a philosopher.
Chumly, a peon would never use the word peon, let alone call himself one...even a peon knows that! Nice word though, I like it.
Well I guess this debate is now about what constitutes pseudo-philosophy?
Isn't that essential to the question ray?
You can't decide what defines a plumber until you define what a plum is....ok bad example, but c'mon, work with me here.....
Ashers wrote:Chumly, a peon would never use the word peon, let alone call himself one...even a peon knows that! Nice word though, I like it.
Just don't peon me or I'll spank you! I don't care if there is a 'golden' future for man or not
I'm not quite sure where all this is going.....
south, perhaps?
er....yes. You know, opposite of north?