...I blew the doors off your cart in the other thread...and you ran like a scared rabbit.
That's quite the imagination you have there.
There is absolutely no reason for me to duck any supposed arguments you made stop with the nonsense.
Having re-read the thread yet again, it remains a complete mystery where and how you addressed my argument. Why don't you point it out.
I am an agnostic.
Here is my position on the issue of "there is a God" vs. "there are no gods":
I do not know.
I suspect you don't know either.
I do not have enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess.
Now...if you are suggesting that is not a rational position...put out some real arguments.
I will enjoy the laugh.
Well, since you sport the 'I'm right and that's that' attitude normally reserved for theists, I doubt I am going to get anywhere with you, I am not too optimistic that this will go anywhere useful...
But for since you are unwilling/unable to comprehend the argument I already put forward, let me re-word it for you in hopes it might sink in this time.
Agnosticism is a position that asserts 'I don't know' to the proposition 'deities exist'
The proposition 'deities exist' is but one of infinite possible equally unevidenced guesses as to why 'the universe' , 'life', etc exists.
This leaves the odds of the proposition 'deities exist' being approximately one in infinity.
It is true that there is that one in infinity longshot chance that that particular unevidenced guess is true, but getting hit 100 million times by lightning in one day is massively more probable.
So saying 'maybe that one is true' is only slightly more rational than saying 'that one is true' in regards to any given 'guess', including the one agnosticism represents.
Until there is something to indicate
maybe there may be deities,..something...anything..that points in that direction...
Agnosticism remains irrational.
PS frank, your irrational and downright delusional (with regards to your projections as to my reactions/positions) posts sort of serve me as a character witness, if you are the champion of 'agnosticism'