Tue 28 Feb, 2006 12:00 pm
Quote:Bill Clinton Speaks Against Freedom of the Press, Media Yawn
Posted by Noel Sheppard on February 20, 2006 - 13:52.
According to the Daily Times of Pakistan (hat tip to the American Thinker), former President Bill Clinton stated to reporters in Islamabad last Friday that the publishers responsible for the Muslim cartoons that have started riots around the world should be convicted. Yet, despite this call by a former president to limit the freedom of the press, America’s media have paid virtually no attention to Clinton’s declarations.
As reported by the Daily Times: “Talking to reporters after meeting Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz in Islamabad, Clinton said he disagreed with the caricatures and that the publication was against religious and ethical norms.”
In addition:
“He said the people’s religious convictions should be respected at all costs and the media should be disallowed to play with the religious sentiments of other faiths. He said the media could criticise any issue including governments and people, but nobody had the right to play with the sentiments of other faiths.”
Hmmm. So, according to Clinton, the press don’t have “the right to play with the sentiments of other faiths.” Yet, according to Google news and LexisNexis searches, few if any major American media outlets bothered to report this event.
For those that are interested, BBC Worldwide Monitoring transcribed a Pakistani television report of Clinton’s statements:
“I strongly disagree with both the creation and publication of cartoons that were considered blasphemous to devout Muslims around the world because they depicted the Prophet. And I thought it was a mistake. I had no objection to Muslims throughout the world demonstrating their convictions in a peaceful way. But I thought it was also a great opportunity, which I fear has been squandered, to build bridges, because I can tell you that most people in the United States deeply respect Islam - it is the fastest growing religion in America - as do most people in Europe, and most people in Denmark. We live in societies where people are free to say the wrong things as well as the right things, but I would not be surprised if the person who drew those cartoons and the newspaper publisher who decided to print them did not even know that it was considered by Muslims to be blasphemous to have any kind of personal depiction of the Prophet.”
With that in mind, given the outrage concerning Vice President Cheney’s delay to inform the press of his hunting accident, and the lack of attention paid to former President Clinton’s statements in Islamabad, it appears that the media are only concerned with their freedom when a Republican is trying to limit it.
Gotta part company with old Bill on this one.... the press has a right to print these cartoons if they like... period. IMO.
Then if they make cartoons over Sept 11th would you feel the same way?
Raul-7 wrote:Then if they make cartoons over Sept 11th would you feel the same way?
I would. And if they were funny I'd probably laugh. Disagreeing with Clinton's politics is nothing new to me... but agreeing with the Bear's is a nice change of pace!
islam is the fastest growing religion in the planet because its the fastest breeding religion in the planet.
I think it also has to do with converts, who IMO are likely closely comparable to really angry, disaffected youth... and jail populations...
Isn't publishing those cartoons "conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace"?
That,as far as I'm aware,is an offence in Great Britain.And a jury would decide in the first instance and courts of appeal thereafter.
Raul-7 wrote:brahmin wrote:islam is the fastest growing religion in the planet because its the fastest breeding religion in the planet.
Show me evidence?
have a look around.... mcedonia, albania, holland, france everywhere.
get hold of statistics.... the birth rates of muslims are far higher than any other religious community on earth, what with the 3 or more wives that islam allows its menfolk to have/own.
a very primitive and biological problem islam is.
brahmin wrote:Raul-7 wrote:brahmin wrote:islam is the fastest growing religion in the planet because its the fastest breeding religion in the planet.
Show me evidence?
have a look around.... mcedonia, albania, holland, france everywhere.
get hold of statistics.... the birth rates of muslims are far higher than any other religious community on earth, what with the 3 or more wives that islam allows its menfolk to have/own.
a very primitive and biological problem islam is.
Stop your false claims, and what do you believe in? Some man-made God called Shiva?
not false claims. pure facts. statistics. islam's numbers are a biological problem. also the jehadi doctrine is ingrained in the books of islam, and the the jehadi mindset is in their genes. ancient, primitive, totalitarian, arab, retarded worldview, founded by a deluded lunatic caveman, who when he wasn't busy receiving e-mail messages from archangel gabriel, was busy screwing around with his many wives, consorts, concubines, camels etc. or practicing the fine art of paedophillia on someone called ayesha. with a leader like that, the degree to which muslims are a misfit in the world, is no surprise.
and i dont believe in god much. what i do know is all god is man-made and that there hasn't yet been any SCIENTIFIC proof of god.
Do they not look at the sky above them? How We have built it and adorned it, and there are no rifts therein? And the earth - We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and caused it to bring forth plants of beauteous kinds (in pairs). And We send down from the sky blessed water whereby We give growth unto gardens and the grain of crops. And tall palm-trees, with shoots of fruit-stalks, piled one over another. (Surah Qaf, 6-7, 9-10)
Even Isaac Newton, believed that the movements of the heavenly bodies and planets could be explained by different laws. Nevertheless, Newton believed that the creator of earth and space was the same, and therefore they had to be explained by the same laws. He said:
"This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being. This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all, and on account of His dominion. He is wont to be called Lord God, Universal Ruler."
soon we will have another round of cartoon protests.
muhammed now joins the ranks of Tintin and Asterix, as he makes his comic book entry (no pun intended).
fastest Breeding...When There is no other excuse
brahmin wrote:islam is the fastest growing religion in the planet because its the fastest breeding religion in the planet.
Like the indians,
indians are not a religion.
india's population is still lesser than china and our population density is a lot lesser than countries like Holland and Japan. Besides through out known history the indian subcontinent has supported roughly a quarter of humanity.
indian muslims do breed like jack rabbits though, and thats something we need to work on. cos 9/10 muslims never contribute to society in any way and live of the tax payer's money or off criminal activity.
India the new superpower ?
Why have people hijacked my thread ?
Quote:9/10 muslims never contribute to society
Can you please provide proof ?
Unless that donkey is talking on your behalf.
never said anythig about superpower.
the donkey pic is in afghanistan or thereabouts. have seen it b4.
and yes i have been to most laborataries in india, know 100s of doctors, keep a good eye on companies and the people in their top ranks, etc etc. muslims are woefully under represented in everything, barring india's underworld. so yes, they hardly contribute to society, naming one or 2 classical indian musicians wont fly. as a whole their community in india may as well not have existed, so small is their contribution in civilian walks of life.