Fri 24 Feb, 2006 04:38 pm
Hello everybody, thank you for takeing the time to read this. I am about to tell you how much Ipods really suck. First of all they will break whenever you drop them. (The Nanos tend to break more then the original ones.) They also have a tendency to attract people to them. Its as if people are drawn to buy them. And of corse they cost a hell of alot of money. To me it is a complete waste of money. I have better things to do with $400 then to waste it on a Ipod. The Ipods also have a very large song capacity which is the main reason people buy them. But honestly who will download and listen to about 10,000 songs. The only person that probably would is a profesional DJ. Why would you want to buy a stupid piece of plastic for $400 when you can go and buy a good $80 mp3 player or an mp3 player discman. Yes i know that they do not hold the same amount of songs, but you can buy an mp3 player that can hold 1gb of songs (which is around a maximum of 32hours of songs.) Most people would say that this still does not stand up to an Ipod, however you can buy a memory card for about 50 bucks and that would buy you another 1gb of songs. The memory cards are very simple to change. Despite the fact that Ipods are the trend and every one has one don't be fooled. They really do suck, I have seen my friends drop them and they break. Especially the new ones. It is true that Apple has said that there are major glitchs that cause them to break after about 1year of continues use (when I say continues,I mean Day to day use.) Ipods break easily, They are highly overpriced, everybody makes them seem great but they are not and who needs over 10,000 songs? I would just like to say that Ipods are the worst in portable music players. So don't be fooled into buying one. If you do you will soon regret it. Once again I would like to thank you for reading this and if I have made a mistake or you would like to argue with me about the crappy Ipods please let me know. Thank you
So wat was your point. I looked at that and all I found out was that Apple is finding more ways to draw people to buy their crappy technology. What will they think of next... Ipod cell phones. lol
Just a little lighthearted joke.
Carry on.
You're major gripe here seems to be about the number of songs, 10,000 who needs them?
A question for you , at what compression do you get 10,000 songs?
How many songs could a flash based recorder store at 44.1Khz 24bit resoulution?
Quality of sound is important to an enjoyable music listening experience lets before we start agree the difference in sound betweeen a MP3 player and what iPod can offer is something people would like.
If you are in any doubt, compress your favorite CD aburn it to a new one and play them back next to each other. Here's the things to listen for. The Azimuth of the directionality of the stereo sound is lost. The bass is not clear, mids and the highs are lower in volume.
Lets talk sound first, plug ins other features like VIOP , personal organiser, voice recorder can come later.
Perhaps some of you folks should put off buying iPods until you acquired sufficient motor skills to avoid dropping them.
It breaks when you drop it? What a surprise. Try the same move with your laptop, your camera, your DVD player, and your PDA, and see what happens.
I like having access to my entire music library. If I wanted to listen to the same 30-50 songs all day, I'd play the radio.
Ipods suck
Well, bond7770, if you want people to really read your rant, break it up into paragraphs (don't drop it, just use your Enter key.) I tried to get into all your points here, but a paragraph that size belongs only in a novel by Henry James.
I'm trying to figure out why bond gives a **** about iPods. He says he doesn't have one. Most people who feel this strongly about it had a bad experience with one they've bought, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. I'm thinking bond is a tad jealous.
I think he's Bill Gates' nephew.
Bond, first off - you might want to separate your rant into several, more pleasing to the reader, paragraphs.
Second, are the people dropping iPods left and right children? (Age 19 and younger??) If so, I'm not surprised they are treating a $300 mp3 player like a yo-yo.
Third, I can't get enough of my iPod. It makes my work day go faster, and makes the time I spend in a darn cubicle so much more enjoyable. Since I have a job, I can afford an iPod, and even if it only lasts a year - believe me, I got my money's worth. Its like MeRadio all the time. Its worth it to me NOT to have to listen to commercials. Even if I had paid $600 or $700 for it, it was well worth it. I chose iPod over other mp3 players because of the program it uses on my PC, and the itunes webstore has a much better selection than most other music stores on the net.
Don't want an iPod, don't buy one. And it sounds like you're a bit cranky, is it time for your nap?
I am not jelous at all. Even if i won one i would sell it. And in response to greyfans comment. My phone does not break when i drop it, same with psp, nintendo ds, ps2, even my PAINTBALLS dont break when i drop them. An Ipod will easily break from the drop height of 5feet but the prducts that i just mentioned will not.
If you are fine with buying a $500 Ipod then you must be crazy. And why would you use music stores? (idiot.) You can find plenty of sites that will allow you to download music for FREE. And from there you can easily download the music onto your mp3 player. It is very simple but obviously you cant figure that out. And why would you blow that much money? seriously that is truly stupid.
Because it just pisses me off on how the have baseically taken over the world.
I'm looking to buy the iPod for my Significant Other; specifically I plan to get the Shuffle.
I have no problem with the Ipod shuffels. Nothing in my research says that there is a major
problem(s) with the Ipod Shuffel. It is mainly nanos that make me angry.
I think you're performing a community service, bond.
What else shouldn't we buy?
Nothing else that i can think of. and why the f$&# would i be doing community service when i am just displaying my rant on why not to buy Ipods?
Are you mad at me, bond, or are you just taking your anger at the nanos out on me?