Re: Vampires
Equus wrote:Why don't movie vampires wear bullet-proof vests? If a bullet won't puncture them, surely a wooden stake wouldn't.
And movie vampires are usually very attractive. How do they comb their hair if they can't see themselves in a mirror? And some movie vampires can't stand running water, so do they never take a shower? How come (most of them) aren't dirty and smell bad? And if they smell bad, what do they care about garlic??
And this crucifix business--- what about Buddhist or Muslim or Atheist vampires? Why should they recoil from a Christian symbol?
And if they don't brush their teeth, why haven't their fangs rotted away over the Centuries?
Well, I reckon vampires don't wear said vests for much the same reason most humans don't. Besides, let's face it, especially the gothic vampires are so gung-ho on their supposed strength, they probably doubt anyone could possibly kill them until the stake actually goes through their heart.
And a final consideration, what if those vests (which are heavier then normal clothes) weigh them down so much they are unable to fly in batform?
Well, most vamps DO have mortal servants. So combing the hair... Could be done by them, I suppose. In the original legends, vampires cannot CROSS running water, but they can stand it. So they could take a shower I'd say
The reason for this fear of running water escapes me. Several reasons have been named, I will list a few :
1) running water cannot hold magic. Of course, the vampire cannot exist with magic of some kind, hence it's aversion.
2) Running water has mirror like capabilities. Just as a mirror is loathful to vamps, so then is running water. Sounds like bollocks to me, since normal water, which reflects far better, is not harmful to vampires.
3) It symbolises a threshold of death (particularly the river Styx in Greek mythology) the vampire cannot cross it, if he or she seeks to hold on to existence on the mortal realm.
How come they aren't dirty and smell bad? Hmm... Perhaps dirt is averse to clinging to such an unnatural organism.
As far as the faith goes, well, supposedly, a true believer holding a holy item will be protected by their God from the evil depravations of the horrible vampires. So regardless what the vampires views on theology are, it's the believer's that counts.
I have never heard of them not brushing their teeth, really... Perhaps they do