Thank you
kudlaite for your important comments,
kudlaite wrote:"Allah knows best" ???
A human being, even if he/she is so knowledgeable, intelligent and clever, will never have an infinite and unlimited knowledge. So I do not shy away from saying "Allah knows best", since Allah (the Arabic word for God) is the only One who knows everything.
kudlaite wrote:and does not ask you to use your own brain and think what is your purpose in your passage through earth
Your (and my) Creator Allah, invites Muslims to use their brains to come to the truth. Words like: "Will ye then consider not?", "Will ye not understand?", "Will ye not then see?" are mentioned several times in the Glorious Qur'an.
kudlaite wrote:In my opinion, any religion that dictates how you live your life, or gives you a definitive way to attain salvation
kudlaite wrote:Any religion that says do this, this, this and don't do that and that and that
When a person accepts a religion as his/her way of life, he/she has to follow its commands. Islam literally means "Submitting your will to almighty Allah (God)". So in the case of Islam, there is no problem, since you are submitting your will to the One who created you, who knows what is good and what is bad.
kudlaite wrote:The purpose of any religion should be to give us a meaning to life, allow us to be good
I agree with you.
1) Islam gives me a meaning to my life, it explains why I am created, it clearly defines the purpose of this life as well as what will happen in the afterlife.
2) Islam allows us to be good:
"Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah."[Glorious Qur'an 3:110]
kudlaite wrote:and MORE IMPORTANTLY recognize the good in others.
But, who is able to define "the good": the person or the religion?
kudlaite wrote:I find it difficult to believe to believe in a religion that propagates the idea that its believers have a halo around their heads and the non-believers do not deserve to live.
I don't know whether you mean Islam or not, but saying "I am Muslim" does not automatically "give you a halo around your head". A Muslim has to be a sincere and true Muslim. Faith in Islam is not only an acknowledgement with the tongue, but also a belief in the heart and an implemention of the Commandments of Allah.
And Allah knows best.