Mon 13 Feb, 2006 12:17 am
Where does "PEACE" come from?
How does God provide us with peace?
What are the mechanics that are involved?
LOL I know I'm probably going to end up sounding like an air head here... oh well... here goes nothing...
Through relationship with Him. Through knowing Him.
How is knowing God any different than knowing ourselves?
Mankind's natural tendencies in life...
That's the best wording I could come up with...
The "nature" of the elements... to corrupt, and rust... and die...
Oh no it is much more than that Rex. It is how we think. What we believe. How we perceive things. Those are the things that cause us to do the things we do and say the things we say. It is what shapes who we are and makes us an individual. While we all can have similar tendencies such as to eat, laugh, be angry, and so forth, there are distinct differences for each individual as to why they do certain things.
No God no Peace
Know God know Peace
RexRed wrote:How is knowing God any different than knowing ourselves?
Sorry, I missed this question. Hmmm... It's similar actually in that who you are... your make up... your internal self.. is not any more tangable than God.
How old are prophets? How do we find this peace?
I think husker is gone for the night... I hope it's ok if I give an answer for this.
First of all, what do you mean how old are prophets? Are you asking if a person has to be a certain age to be deemed a prophet?
You find peace though coming to know God. It's not always an immediate result though. Believing it is can be a mistake that has caused people to give up on believing in God. Just my opinion though.
I'm glad the conversation came around this way because in thinking about how to find peace I realized a better way to explain what it is. I think a lot of times people misunderstand what it is and therefore misunderstand where it comes from. Peace is not always being happy. It is not everything always going right in your life. It's not having everything you want or think you need. Peace is not always being happy with those around you or the things they do. It is not everyone always getting along.
Peace is being unhappy but knowing that you will be happy again.
Peace is watching things in your life fall apart and understanding you can't control everything but it will get better.
Peace is being happy with what you already have.
Peace is looking someone in the eye who is hurting you and knowing you don't have to or want to hurt them back.
Peace is being able to accept someone for who they are whether they like you or not.
Peace is looking in the mirror and being satisfied with who you are despite if you always like what you see.
I say that this peace comes through God because I believe He is the source of this peace for me. He took me when I was the epitome of the former examples of what peace isn't and is turning me into the latter.
Is the world headed toward more "peace"?
I'm not sure what you mean by that... LOL maybe I'm just getting too tired. Just wanted to wish you a goodnight. I'll be interested to see where this thread goes!
War with the worlds.
The battle of Armageddon is a war between the nations and God. It was foretold in Daniel 2:44 and has yet to occur.
It was foretold in Daniel 2:44 therefore it must be true? Why would that be?