Wed 8 Feb, 2006 10:13 am
Hi. Can someone tell me how to format a document in Microsoft Word so that when I email it to someone else and they open it, the formatting I originally put in will remain?
I have a big book on Word 2003, so any ol' term or terms should be able to guide me toward the answer I need.
Many thanks!
i don't think this is an MS-Word problem.
i think it has more to do with the e-mail settings at the receiving end...
Thanks, Region.
Here's the story.
I had edited something for work.
They cut and pasted--I think--my document into a larger document.
And it lost its formatting.
So, they reformatted it and then sent it as an attachment.
So, I'm wondering, did they pour that text into text boxes, or graphic boxes, or what?
I'd ask them, but either they are too busy to answer, or the gal that knows how to do this stuff is protective or her specialized knowledge. I can't get an answer from her, even though she is a very nice person.
Some people are just like that, perhaps.
you sent them a Word doc.
they copy/pasted the data into another Word doc, at which point it lost its formatting.
then they sent you re-formatted data in a Word doc.
specifically, what formatting was lost?
and what version of Word do they have?
Thanks. I got the answer.
It probably did have to do with too old a version of Microsoft. I have since updated that.
But also, I can go to print and save as an acrobat pdf file and it will hold its formatting.
Also, I found out that if I use an ususal font, I can embed that as well.
Not likely that I will go that far, but nice to know some tricks.
Thanks for guiding me toward the answer.
The girl at work came through. Guess she was just very busy when I asked before.