Sun 5 Feb, 2006 02:51 pm
For School tomorow, i must find information to put down Henry George. I Cannot find any information to show he wasnt a good man. IF anyone knows aything he did wrong, even if u belive hes a good man, can u post it for me because i cannot find a thing. Please help me ive been looking for like 4 hours
Never heard of him, but if you type "Henry George" into Google, you'll see and as your first 2 choices.
yup, did that for like 4 hours, not all good stuff about him, but none of it is bad really. I need some bad stuff on him for this stupid trial, everyone is gonna be pissed at me becuase i cant find dir t on thsi dang guy
In Anglo-American Law, trial presupposes State charges that a particular defendant has violated some part of the Common Law, or legistlative law. The corpus-delecti of the crime must then be shown. To my knowledge Henry George never broke a law, at least none that could be successfully prosecuted in his own day ... even less so long after his death makes such charges moot. If this is the situation, resign and join the defense team immediately.
I have a hunch, however, that your class will instead be discussing the pros and cons of Henry Georges economics and social theories. In that case, concentrate your efforts not on the man, but his work. This will still present you with some problems. How does one compare socio-economic systems, especially if one of those compared was never given a fair trial? What makes a socio-economic system "good", or "bad", or something in between? Values have an aweful tendancy to be subjective, yet to prevail you must argue "facts".
How would his thoughts about the Single Tax workout today, especially in view of the National Debt? During Mr. George's lifetime the world was a very different place than it came to be after about 1935-36. Social legislation in the FDR and LBJ eras have had a profound impact on American society and economy. How well would George's theories held up in light of the challenges of the Great Depression, and the social upheaval of the Civil Rights Movement and War on Poverty? Why weren't George's theories given a chance, and what does that say about the tenor of his times? If those theories were strongly advocated today, would they fair any better? Should they?
Somehow I think you should have been on this for several weeks, instead of trying to prepare your best case for tomorrow. Good luck anyway. Let us know how it turns out.
Hehe, i was given three day on this, thx for the help anyway. Trial goes for 3 days, maybe i wont hae to question him tomorow, thx a lot.
Hanry George
Maybe there isn't anything!
I went to school with Harold George...will that do?
He liked to dress up in ladies clothes and hang around in bars. I can't find any evidence to support this so let's say I'm making it up.