fresco wrote:Setanta,
Will the "Koran Thumpers" fight it out with the "Bible Thumpers" and save the rest of us the trouble ?....I doubt it ! Both groups are so blinded by their infantile convictions that they have ceased caring about alternatives. Their copious preaching is the mental equivalent to sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting.
Well, we've got some rip snorters goin' right now, such as "JESUS HAS AN ANUS," "Are Muslims the Chosen Peopld of GOD?," "Jesus admitted that he is a Prophet" . . . i suspect that several i've not bothered to peruse are similarly enteraining--the one that takes the cake, though, is the "TRINITY: SATAN'S BIGGEST LIE" thread.
I keep askin' them boys and girls how they can revere a lecherous old joker who was illiterate and married and raped a little girl (Aisha, daughter of his companion, Abu Bakr, to whom he was "betrothed"

when she was six years of age), but they won't give me the time of day . . .