Hmm, helfino re the languages. I suspect the answer will be a yes, but just in case it isn't, are you good at learning languages?
I had taken French and Spanish. I ended up placing out of the undergrad language requirement and so didn't take any language after 12th grade. It didn't really do anything to me, one way or the other, re Law School. That is, I don't think it affected me getting in or anything like that.
Latin probably won't hurt, although legal Latin is kinda different. George, if we can attract him to this topic, can tell you about Latin. Since you didn't mention International Law (doesn't mean that won't necessarily end up being your thing), I'd say a language is mainly good for (a) what it can do for you in college and (b) if it can, at all, help you with the Bar.
One thing about college, and someone told me this when I was about your age and I took it to heart, it was some of the best High School advice I ever got - ahem -

Take as many academics as you can, as many as you can stand, obviously without totally killing your social life, but, if you get the choice between regular and AP, for example, take AP. Choice between Gym and Advanced German? Take German. Why? 'Cause college costs money, and High School (at least, public HS) does not. So get your Freshman Composition, Language, and First-Year Math, Science and History outta the way before you set foot in a college, if that's at all possible. You'll be spending your money on what you want to take, as opposed to what you have to take.
I was able to get out of Freshman Comp and my Language requirement. I went into mid-level Calc (1st and 2nd semester classes) and breezed through them while others were struggling. I received credit for Freshman Comp, 1st year Bio and 1st year American History. As a result, I was able to take 2 semesters with only 3 classes instead of 4 and still graduate on time - once during the 2nd semester of freshman year, when I was blue and pretty much hated school (better to take only 3 classes with a bad attitude, than 4), and the other time was my last semester of senior year (better to only have senioritis with 3 classes rather than 4). Working my tail off in HS also paid off because, I kid you not, a lot of college ended up easier than HS.
My last year of HS, I took, hmm, 4th year Spanish, mid-level Physics, AP American History, AP English, AP Bio, Honors Pre-Calc (just below AP level) and Gym. This was about twice as much as was on my plate during any given college semester.